Nirvana 11

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At lunch, Adyan found me in the regular place and sat across from me with his lunch in hand. We looked at each other and remained silent for a few seconds.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened before first period. It was really unnecessary and I should have never brought that attention towards you." I said as I continued to write in my notebook.

"It's okay, it was Lucy not you. I should be the one apologizing to you for embarrassing you."

"It's okay. Never had someone sort of stand up for me." We both laughed and he took out his lunch. A foot long Subway, a large Sprite, a glass bottle of pink lemonade, three oatmeal cookies, and a plastic bag of green grapes.

"I noticed that you don't eat. So I packed a little bit more for you." He passed me the glass bottle of pink lemonade, the three oatmeal cookies, and the bag of green grapes.

"You don't have to do that. You're a football player, you need to keep that weight up." I passed it back.

"No, I'll be good. I keep extra in my car and I got money for the vending machines. Eat it, please." He said as I smiled and he smiled back.

"How do you know that I don't eat?"

"I have my eyes and I just noticed a little far back ago. Is that weird?" He blushed and looked at his food, I laughed as I ate a grape.

"No, I'm just asking. How do you know I like oatmeal cookies?"

"I saw the wrapper in your bag. When I was helping you pick your things up. Your little sisters go to my little brother's school right?" He asked.

I nodded as three girls came up to us and looked at me like I was invisible.

"Adyan, you made Lucy cry! For hanging out with her!" The Lucy substitute ringleader said as I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" One of them asked.

"Nothing, continue your conversation." I looked at Adyan and he smiled.

"Apologize to Lucy for me. But, tell her that we've been done since the party. I want to see other people and if Aaliyah Rose is one of them, I'll see her as much as I need to be satisfied. Understand?" He said as he looked at me and I continued to eat the grapes. They looked at me as they walked away and mumbled to each other.

"You aren't embarrassed to be seen with me?" I asked while he almost chocked on his food from laughing.

"Why would I be embarrassed to be seen with a beautiful girl? That doesn't make sense to me, or do you mean because you're black?" He said with one eyebrow raised.

All I did was look at my journal and said nothing to him. He smiled and looked at me as he ate his food.

"What are you writing?" He said with his mouth full and into a napkin.


"Oh really?" He grabbed it from me as I reached for it back, but he was 6'1 and I was only 5'3. He raised his arm to it's full length.

"Stop trying Aaliyah." He said while laughing, I sat down and covered my face as I ate an cookie.

"You writing a book?" He asked as he smiled and gave it back to me.

"I draw, it's sort of a side hobby that people don't know about." He continued to eat and so did I.

We both finished our lunch as he grabbed my things and willingly walked me to my next class. We got different stares, 90% were mainly awe stares, but if they were Lucy look alikes they were blank stares.

"After fourth period, I'll be waiting outside by my car, and we'll go to their school." He said as I smiled and nodded.

"Do you care if I give you a kiss on your forehead?" He said shyly. I blushed and nodded, he kissed my forehead and said goodbye as the bell for third period rang.

Forth period is about to end, as I just finished packing all my things up. I was getting mentally prepared for who the fuck had nerve to talk about Maya like that, then the teacher doing nothing about it. Only makes me more upset. The bell rang and I got butterflies in my stomach as I saw Adyan standing next to his car with his brown hair, styled.

"You ready?" He said as he opened my door for me.

"Let's go." I entered the car and smiled.

Slow motion by Trey Songz came on and I was looking outside the window and humming. He chuckled and I started tapping my foot to it.

"So is our date on Saturday still on?" He asked.

"It's not a date, I'm taking Maya with me."

"And I'm taking my little brother Will with us. They can play around while we watch them and talk. Then I'll bring us some food, and then we'll go see a movie then dinner. All four of us. How's that sound?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Sounds tempting, but you have to ask Maya. If she says yes, then it's all good with me." I said while continuing to singing the song.

We pulled up to the school and I saw Maya and some white boy sitting on the steps of the school. I got out of the car and walked towards her.

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