Nirvana 25

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"Alright, you guys. Wake up. We got to go. It's 10:30 am." Adyan said, I looked up at him and he was already dressed in the clothes that we met in the first time.

I stretched and looked over to check up on Maya. My heart completely stopped, I stood motionless as I could hear my own heartbeat slowly decrease it's own pace.

"Where is she?" Was all I could manage to get out.

"She is in the bathroom with Will. Do you really think I would do that to you or her? Notice how Will isn't here either Aaliyah Rose. Let's just get on this boat before we are late. I dried your clothes and our jackets." I heard him say as I watched Maya and Will come out of the bathroom, laughing together.

"Yaya, you're awake. Hurry up, I want to leave." Maya said, pushing me up off the bed as I hugged her tightly and looked at Adyan with apologetic eyes. He gave me a small smile and paid attention to Will.

I didn't know what to say, so I got up peacefully and got ready in my original clothes. We carefully and quietly closed the door, as my heart pounded through my chest to try and make it downstairs safely. Adyan and I were close together as I held Will and Maya's hands closely in front of me. We made sure to not make too much nose before someone decided to try and snatch us up. Adyan told us to pause as he checked out the stairs. We slowly crept on the stairs as relieve became to pull over me more and more as we left each floor. Adyan stood behind Will, Maya, and I because he felt like he needed to protect us from behind rather than leaving us behind him.

As soon as we reached the lobby we saw about twelve people and all eyes were turned at us. I grew uncomfortable as Adyan held the three of us tight in his grasp, and walked with his head high. Maya held on to me tightly as Will continued to look forward and didn't speak another word. I held Adyan's hand tightly and he didn't seem to mind.

"We are looking for Dylan?" He said aloud. A young man around at least 19 years old turned around and slightly smiled.

"I'm Dylan. You're the guy I heard in the hotel room yesterday." Adyan firmly nodded, Dylan smiled and returned the nod, looking down at Maya and Will. Then he took a double take at me and smiled brightly at me. I looked at Adyan and he stared deeply at him, almost full of jealousy but soon erased the look as soon as I noticed.

"Hello, what's your name?" He asked sweetly.

"I'm Aaliyah Rose. I can see that you are Dylan."

"I am Dylan. Aaliyah Rose is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I thanked him and he slowly nodded in agreement.

"She's taken, Daniel."

"It's Dylan and I am glad you guys are here. We are going to the dock, but we have to move quickly before the weather starts to act up again."

"Where is the boat taking us?" Adyan asked firmly.

"New York, the storm barely touched them. It's either stay here and see how many of us could get killed or take the boat and survive. Any more questions Adam?"

"His name is Adyan, Dylan."

"Oh yes, excuse me beautiful Aaliyah." He said as his smile was full of lust and by the side of Adyan's face you could see him grinding his teeth together.

I rubbed his hand and gave it a kiss, his grasp became loose but still in contact with my hands. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and he kissed my temple.

"Alright, people let's move." A voice that seemed to look like Dylan's father said in high authority.

I held Maya's hand tightly as she held Will's hand and they both walked in front of Adyan and I at all times. No out of sight at all. Dylan would occasionally look back and smile at us, or me as Adyan was thinking. I didn't know what Adyan was thinking about, but every time Dylan looked back his hands gripped tighter around mine.

The walk was long and terrifying, I had to carry Maya a couple of times because she was complaining about her feet hurting. We finally made it there and the sky seemed calm, for now. I didn't understand what was making the weather act up like this. God was trying to say something, I just had no idea what it was yet. Will, Maya, and I entered first before Dylan pulled Adyan off to the side. I got worried and I told Will and Maya to stay put as I went to fetch Adyan.

"Adyan, are you coming?" I said concerned.

"Yeah, Dylan here and I just wanted to exchange a couple of words.That's all, beautiful. Lets go." He said holding and planting a kiss on my hand as I raised an eyebrow at Dylan.

I walked back to the same spot I see Maya and Will were and the four of us went was directed towards the back where we strangely enough found Dylan and two girls around Maya's age. Maya automatically perked up and looked at me for confirmation, I nodded unsure; but I wanted her to have fun and be a kid. I stood by the two bunk beds in the space of a tight room, the two girls had dolls and happily shared with Maya which made me smile.

"Are they yours?" I asked Dylan as Adyan silently watched the conversation grow.

"They are my adopted twin sisters. We all just surprisingly look alike. It's a family secret." I gave a light laugh and he formally introduced himself.

"I'm Aaliyah Rose, that's Maya, Will, and Adyan." I said as I pointed at each name.

"How do you know Adyan?" I looked at him and he sat on the lower bunk bed as soon as he finished helping Will to the top.

"He's the football star at our school, he somehow grew interest in me and took me out on a date with his little brother and my little sister to the park. The storm, or whatever the hell it was, took us from there." I said as I put my head down.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He asked.

"I am not sure, we kind of liked each other for only two weeks now. Time flew by but seems so slow."

"I can tell, he hasn't asked you yet?" He lowered his voice.

"No, I didn't ask her. I want us to be in a stable position for me to ask her, at her most calmest moments. Is that any of your business though? I didn't think so either." Adyan said as he rose up from the bed.

"I was just asking, you don't have to-"

"I don't got to what?"

"Well, if you let me finish my senten-"

"Finish your sentence? I don't need you to do that. I heard enough of your mouth for one day."

"Are you admitting that you like the sound of my voice, lad?"

"Lad? This ain't Ireland, boy-yo." Adyan said, tightening his fists together.

NirvanaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant