Nirvana 36

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I ran back to the room to take off my shirt and Aaliyah bit her lip and stared, damn did she look good while she was doing it. I snapped out of it and ran back to the main room.

"You ready to fill in that tank?" Dylan asked, I nodded in response as he grabbed a scuba suit as I took a double take.

"Where is the other scuba suit?"

"There's only one. Sorry." He smirked at me.

"It's alright, real men don't mind getting dirty."

"Yeah if they have great immune systems. Do you even know what the fuck is in this water? You clearly don't." He said as he pushed through me and his dad strapped the oxygen tank against him.

"It's alright, don't let him get to the best of you. Here's the other scuba suit. I'll strap the oxygen tank on you afterwards." Mr. Vill said as he passed the suit and laid a hand on my shoulder. I thanked him as he patted me on the back and wished me luck.

I climbed to the top deck right behind Dylan and rolled my eyes at him as his father stood right behind us, giving us instructions on what to do.

"Understood boys?" We both nodded and Dylan smirked at me.

"Oh, you found the other scuba suit. Didn't think you were smart enough to even look there." He said with a smirk as big as a lion's yawn. I smiled at him and pushed him off the edge of the boat. I smiled at his dad and Mr. Vill gave me a smile of approval.

As soon as we hit the water, it was bitter cold. It felt like every bone in my body was slowly freezing, but I had to push my body to work for the sake of our safety. Dylan smacked my leg as he pointed at the engine, I wanted to say so much but to his luck the oxygen mask was covering my mouth and made me muffle and raise my heart rate.

I slowly grabbed the tank from him as he opened it up as I slowly poured the gas into it and looked at Dylan as he rolled his eyes at me with a devilish smirk in his eyes that only made me think what his evil little mind was thinking. I quickly poured the gas and he motioned me to pour quicker. I suppose he got the understanding my eyes that I was saying 'That's what the fuck I am doing lad.' he closed it as he closed the tank and swam past me knocking me in the head with his long foot. I got light headed and things started to quickly turn black. I tried to swim to surface, but it was like my body was only being pulled down to the ocean or river or whatever we were cruising through to get to New York.

I can't breathe.

I can't see.

I can't feel my body, which was slowly becoming numb.


I watched Maya and Felicity were talking about something that I couldn't make out just yet. Will laid on top of the bunk bed and didn't say a word since Adyan left.

"Aaliyah, when is Adyan coming back?" Will asked as he caught me off guard with that question. I couldn't give him an honest answer.

"He'll be back soon."

"I'm going to go check on him." Will said as he tried to open the port and I grabbed him as it slapped loudly.

"Will! You can't leave this port! I will go check on him. Just watch the twins and Maya." I said as he slowly nodded, but I knew he wanted to be independent and do it on his own.

I tried to walked towards the main room, that was until I heard a bunch of yelling leading me to run up the steps. I ran up the steps and saw Dylan and Mr. Vill arguing which highly confused me, I didn't even know that they knew each other. I saw a man cut in front of Dylan and started yelling while pointing his finger at Mr. Vill. I cut in between them all and Mr. Vill held me tightly, while trying to keep me away from Dylan as if I was going to attack him.

"What's going on! Where's Adyan?!" I screamed until Mr. Vill attempted to calm me down.

"Ask Dylan here." Mr. Vill said with a base in his voice that I never knew or thought he had. I turned to Dylan and I gave him the biggest death glare of his life.

"I knocked Adyan's head by accident and we haven't seen him come up from the water yet. He was right behind me." Dylan said with no type of sympathy in his voice which made me know that he did that on purpose. I wanted to charge at him, but Mr. Vill was holding me back. Tears were all that came from my eyes and that was until we saw a body faced down.

"What's that?" I screamed and pointed as we started drifting farther and farther away from the body. Dylan shrugged his shoulders and came closer to me as I pushed him away and jumped into the water as Mr. Vill screamed my name.

I dove right into the water, after all that Adyan has done for me and a stupid boy is going to do that to him after he apologized to him for me. Adyan has been my support throughout this whole thing and Dylan wants to pull some dumb shit like that? How would his twin sisters react to know that Dylan just almost tried to kill Adyan? Adyan isn't dead, he can't be. I won't let him die on me. I won't let him drift away from me like this.

As I came closer to the body, I saw that the boat stopped and Adyan's body was almost lifeless except for a couple of movements to help himself help me.

"Adyan, please don't do this to me or us. I know you can hear me. We are a team and this can't happen. I just know that it can't. Please." I said as my tears blended almost perfectly with the dirty water that was coming towards my face each time.

I came to the boat, but every time it came close it was like it only drifted farther away from me. I couldn't tell if Dylan and that mysterious man was trying to leave Adyan and I in the middle of the ocean or river or whatever we were in. I gave it all my energy to catch up to the boat and Mr. Vill grabbed Adyan as he reached for my hand. As soon as we reached the deck, I tried to catch my breath as Mr. Vill tried to help Adyan. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dylan roll his eyes and that was all that I need to make me regain my energy.

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