Nirvana 22

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I looked at her as she quietly creep past Maya and Will to slowly open the door and close it. I didn't know that someone could go through something so hurtful and heartbreaking like that. A father is supposed to care for his daughters. Treat them like priceless jewels, not trying to kill them. She came back out refreshed and gave me a weak smile, but soon turned into a real one.

"Do you mind if I lay here?" She pointed at her side of the bed, I shook my head as she laid there beautifully structured making it seem so graceful.

She popped her head up to take a look at Maya, Maya laid comfortably next to Will with the phone in her hand and the blanket tightly in her grasp. Aaliyah smiled and laid back on the side of her stomach, facing me. She looked at me as I looked at her.


"Nothing, I'm just trying to figure out why you wanted to go on a date with me out of the hundred girls that flock over you at school."

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you attracted to me?" She asked softly, but assertive.

"I'm attracted to you for several reasons. Is that a bad thing?" She laid down next to me and smiled as I did the same.

"Start with number one." I laughed.

"Well, alright then. Internally: You're witty, intelligent, caring, thoughtful, hopeful, loving, and creative.-" I paused to look at the ceiling. "Externally: Your beautiful complexion, soft smooth skin.. full sugar-coated lips, entrancing eyes, sexy stomach and extraordinary silhouette, especially your petite frame; and then your voice... angelic.. the kind of voice that you'd love to hear speaking softly in your ear, but you'd hate to ever hear anger carried across because of just how amplified each range of emotion would be." I felt my cheeks heated up as I just poured my thoughts out onto her. I got nervous, but soon felt a tight grip around my chest and a head in the crook of my neck.


"Yes, Adyan?"

"Never mind." I smiled and held her tightly as I felt her blushing and smiling.

"You saw all that in me, Adyan?" She lifted her head up.

"Yes, I still see it Aaliyah. I can promise you that I don't see anything less." I kissed her forehead and smiled as she blushed deeply and earned a chuckle from me.

"You're an interesting character Adyan." She said, while looking deep into my eyes as I looked at her.

"How so?"

"You're captain of the football and debate team, you're a good student, you have goals, and girls throw themselves at you. But yet, you seemed to have a crush on me. The average girl."

"First, you're not the average girl. The average girl is nothing compared to you. Second, you're beautiful and nine miles beyond it as well. Your skin, I could go on for hours about it. Your lips, I love to see them move when you talk. You're intelligent and intellectual, please believe me when I say this." I rubbed my fingers against her skin and she looked up at me.

I looked back at her full lips as she looked at mine. I scooted closer as did she the same.

"Just tell me when to stop." I softly said.

She smiled, nodding as I pushed my lips against hers. She moved her hand up and down my chest in a gentle manner. I slid my hand down to her small waist, holding her tightly in my grasp. She gasped, giving me a chance to slid my tongue right in. I felt her body relax and I smiled as it did. I pulled back and looked into her eyes as she did the same.

"You okay?" She said softly.

"I'm fine, I just want to stop."

"Why?" I pulled into her ear.

"I know once I start putting my hands on your waist and pulling you in. I don't think Will and Maya will sleep, neither will us. So, I'm going to stop myself right here."


He respects me.. I looked into his face and looked at the actually concern that ran across his face. I smiled at him and he returned it with a kiss on the forehead. I cuddled into his chest and he grabbed my hand, holding it tightly, intertwining. I blushed, he gave me a low chuckle.

"You don't know how long I've been meaning to do that." He said, as he cleared his throat.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, I am going to be honest and tell you that I'm hard." He laughed and blushed, as I hid my face in his chest. I got the courage to give him a kiss on the cheek, he lowly mumbled thank you and yawned while adjusting himself.

"Are you ready to fall asleep?" I asked.

"I'm in the best position to fall asleep. Goodnight Aaliyah Rose." He yawned one more time as he held my lower back and fell asleep. I took one more look at Maya and I got up to give her a kiss on the forehead, rubbing it in. I got up and cuddled in front of Adyan as he felt my touch, he automatically tightened his grip around me, gently kissing my neck. I smiled and let sleep crawl over me.

We all woke up the next morning, cold and hungry. It felt like we were stuck in the fridge in this room. I didn't even know, why it was so cold. I looked at Maya and Will all cuddled up in the blanket; neither of them fighting for it. I slowly got up and looked around, scared, because I was the only one up. I was suddenly met by a grasp around my waist and stood completely motionless.

"Did I scare you?" I heard Adyan's raspy morning voice say as I relax.

"Yeah, just a little bit." I smiled.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to brush my teeth and shower if you don't mind. There are so many things I would like to do with you right now. But, I want to be respectful and mindful as well." I blushed as he spoke, but quickly tried to change the subject.

"I woke up just to do the same thing. But, I'm not sure if we should wake them up to do so first."

"I mean, we need to get back on the road. So, let them shower and eat what we have. Then get back on the road." I looked at him like he was crazy and separated myself from his grasp.

"Get back on the road? Adyan, it's terrible outside. Look, we need to stay inside where it's safe."

"Aaliyah, if we start inside we may never go home."

"I understand that, but we can leave tomorrow. I'm not leaving today."

"Aaliyah-" he stepped closer towards me, "we need to go."

"Adyan, then you can go by yourself. I'm not risking Maya nor Will in that type of weather."

"You know what, fine. We will leave tomo-" he was interrupted by a loud, cruel crackle in the wind by lighting. We both looked out the window and all you saw was the lighting zooming through clouds. I looked at the time and it was 10:43am, Adyan and I slowly reached hands.

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