Nirvana 43

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Maya and Will came running towards us, jumping onto the couch. This was a happy moment for me; Will and Maya were happy and I have a beautiful girl right by my side throughout the whole time. We have a safe place to stay and it was secure with two adults that gave me and Aaliyah so much knowledge. Way more than my father has ever said to me about love or sex or anything period, he wants me to become like him.

Boring, selfish, and have such a boring lifestyle because I rather have security over excitement. My dad is like Logan and Joe combined from Their Eyes Were Watching God. I wanted to be more of a Teacake; I see myself being more of a Teacake, I watched my mother die inside from no excitement and die from having no type of love in her eyes. My dad didn't have much to do with her, I rather be full of love and excitement with no security of placement than to have so much security with no attachment at all.  

I couldn't help but to look at Aaliyah Rose and finally see how comfortable she is, how much she was at peace just laying here with me; watching Maya and Will run all over the place because they finally didn't have to deal with the water anymore. 

I couldn't help to remember that she risked her own life to save me out of the water, no one should do that, no one has ever done something so meaningful to me that made me feel like they actually had feelings for me. Most girls I knew that hung around me at lunch because of the other football players, honestly just wanted the title of having a football player as a boyfriend. But, Aaliyah Rose sat by herself every day since her close friend went to a different school. She didn't pay attention to much guys and she didn't care for their attention either. That's what really made me think, she dressed like your average high school student. She didn't even have to put on makeup or lipstick, the only time I saw her put on lipstick was the first day of school since sophomore year. 

She didn't have time for games, that's what I really liked about her. What really made me go mad for her was her natural hair; it was kinky and her curls were tight. She either had it in a tight high bun or she let it be, sometimes having this cute African wrap with defined images on it, simply wrapping it around her head and not caring what anyone said about it. 

I could vent all day about this girl and that's something not a lot of people experience in this life. It was almost insane how much I could rant about her. She is just an interesting character. 

"Adyan, pay attention. Will is asking you something." Aaliyah Rose says with her lovely voice ringing in my ear.

"I'm sorry little man. What are you asking?" I said with him and Maya sitting side by side on the floor, looking up at Aaliyah and I. 

"Do you think Mom and Dad are worried about us?" He said with a bit of sadness in his voice. I lowered my eyes and apologized to him. 

"I'm sure that they are worried about the both of you. More than sure that they are worried about you." Aaliyah said, pulling Will to sit next to her. 


"What about you and Maya's parents? Are they worried about you?" He asked her as she looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. I pulled Maya into my lap and kissed the back of her head. 

"Of course they do. I know you miss Anya baby girl, I know." 

"I miss her a little bit and Mommy, but I'm okay with you and Adyan. I have Will and we have way more fun than me and Anya do since Daddy always takes her out." She said directed towards me, but looking at Will giving him a high five. 

"Same here, Adyan can't always be my big brother because he has football practice or school to worry about." Will said, making Adyan frown a little bit. 

"We are going to go explore the rooms." Maya said as Will got up and they ran to their new room. I cuddled back into Adyan's arms as we just sat in a comfortable silence. 

The door bell rang as Adyan got up to ask who is it, as soon as we heard the softness of Mrs. Vills voice he opened the door as mattresses started coming in an another box. Adyan helped some of the guys get through the door and setting it up in the bedroom. I smiled at him as he was always mindful of others feelings. I helped Mrs. Vill with the groceries as Mr. Vill went along with Adyan. 

"You've must of spent a fortune today." I said lowly, hopefully begging God that she didn't hear the guilt in my voice. 

"I heard the guilt in your voice Rose. Honestly, I don't mind because I've been asking for God for a daughter. I'm happy to spend as much as long as you guys are provided for. I want a daughter and I got two daughters and two sons in return. God has blessed us with this whole storm, not everything perfect goes according to your wishes. Let's start making dinner?" I smiled and nodded at her as the guys that brought the mattresses in, were ready to leave and stood at the door waiting to notify Mrs. Vill. 

"Thank you gentlemen for your service." She says as she gave them each ten dollars as they smiled at her and I, heading out the door.

"Alright, lets help these fools make the beds along with the babies and we will get started on dinner." She says as we wrapped our arms around each other and walked into their room as Mr. Vill and Adyan began to get frustrated with the bed sheets.

"This thing is cursed." Adyan and Mr. Vill said at the same time. Mrs. Vill and I walked through them grabbing the sheets from them, standing in front of them. Adyan held my hips as Mr. Vill automatically caught him in the act.

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