Nirvana 39

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"He's not here. His dad told him that it would be best of he went to different port. I wouldn't be standing here if he was in here." He said with a small smile on his face that gave me reassurance.

"Where's Will, Maya, and the twins?" I managed to get out without sounding like I was sobbing earlier.

"With Mr and Mrs. Vill. Are you going to tell me why you were crying or is that a story for another time?" He said as he searched for clothes for me to wear in the duffle bag. I remained silent and turned my back towards him.

"So, you're not going to tell me? You know, that isn't really polite. You save my life and took me into your arms, now you're rejecting my help to you? Doesn't sound too kind of you, more like it doesn't sound like you at all." He groaned in pain as he threw the duffle above the other bunk bed that the twins were sleeping on.

"You need to not move so much, just relax. I will do things for myself." I got up from the bed and grabbed the clothes from him.

He stood there, looking at me as I lotion my body, as if he was waiting for me to say something to him. As soon as I finished dressing and turned around, he grabbed me firmly and didn't let me out of his grasp.

"Adyan, let me go."

"You don't have to be strong all of the time, I am here for you. I want to be here for you. I understand that this is all new to you, but please trust me. I see you have these flashbacks and I can clearly see that they are hurtful to you and I can't stand seeing you like this. I don't understand why you just don't open to me."

"Have you opened up to me? Why is it so important that I open up to you? Just because I am here and you're stuck with seeing my face every day, every waking moment. You feel as if I should tell you things that may hurt me? Just because I got you out of the water doesn't mean that you need to know everything about me." I said lowly.

"Yes! Yes Aaliyah! I want to know, just as much as you want to know about me. I don't care about seeing your face every day. It's a blessing to see you. I don't know why you are being so difficult. I don't care if it takes me a million years to finally know one thing about you. All that matters to me is the fact you trusted me enough to tell me something about you. By the way, regardless if you got me out of the water, I still wanted to know ever since I saw you first cry. But, you don't get it." He finally let go of me and took a couple of steps back.

I laid down as he laid next to me, I shook my head. From the corner of my eye, I could tell that he is staring in every detail in my face. I didn't want him to do that and he continued to do it anyways. He knew that it made me uncomfortable for people to look at me like that, with lust or love in there eyes. The only person I got that from was my mom and it was an 'I love you and don't you ever forget that.' look. The same look that Adyan was giving me right now.

"Things happen to me and I have always been forced to deal with it on my own and that's what I have been doing all this time. So, for you to say to sit on your lap and tell you is foreign to me."

"I didn't say you needed to sit in my lap, but that works too." I pushed him over as he gave me a small chuckled. I sighed as we laid in the bed together, I slowly breathed in and out. He didn't rush me to tell him anything, he remained silent and rubbed my lower back until I was ready to tell him something.

"My dad and I have more than a bad relationship. The reason why I was crying is that.." I cut myself short as he still rubbed my lower back and listened to me.

"Take your time, we have nothing but time." He said calmly into my ear.

"I was crying because I was remembering that my dad wanted to 'pay off debt' to a guy that was renovating our house, he was going to- well was forcing me to pay off those debts.. He was willing to put me up for that.. His own daughter, his first daughter, the daughter that the two other look up to.. What if my mom didn't come in that day? I don't know what would happen if she didn't." I concluded as he remained silent, but still comforted me regardless.

"I would still be in love with you the same way. Your father is probably not going to like me."

"How do you know we will ever see them ever again?"

"Because God wouldn't steer you away from your mom. It's clear that she loves you and Maya, she just had to deal with your father probably from past issues with them. That's what I am assuming. Maybe not be tomorrow, may not be in a couple of days, may be in a couple of years unfortunately. But, I know that we will see them again. That I do know." He said as he got quieter and felt regret, yet I cuddled closer with him.

"You are a very smart guy Mister Adyan Gold." I said with a small smile.

"And you are a very beautiful lady Miss Aaliyah Rose Gold." I smiled at him as he kissed me and I grabbed the bunk bed pole as the boat came to a complete stop and we opened the port as everyone did the same which was very strange, never happened. Adyan ran in search for Maya and Will as I tried to find more decent clothes to wear.

I was left by myself, actually alone for the first time. No Maya, Will, or Adyan. Just by myself. Alone. I didn't know how to react, I didn't want to leave and if the boat was to start moving again, I would be by myself in wherever we are at the moment.

"Yaya!" Maya screamed as she ran and hugged me tightly.

"Aaliyah, we got to move quickly. The boat reached it's destination and we got to find somewhere to stay for the night."

He grabbed the duffle bag awhile Will and Maya walked in front of us, Adyan stood behind all of us as we slowly walked out of the boat. Someone grabbed Adyan's shoulder as we all gasped and held our breath, just to find out that it was Mr. and Mrs. Vill.

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