Nirvana 9

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My phone began to vibrate and it was a phone call. I looked at the ID, and it was Adyan. I took a sleeping Anya upstairs and Maya followed. I set her down on her bed as Maya followed me to my room with her tablet my mom got for her three months ago.

"Yaya, can I sleep with you?" Maya said as she looked at me with those big brown eyes.

"Go brush your teeth and get your PJs on." She smiled and ran to the bathroom as I answered the phone.


"Aaliyah, hey." He said in such a deep husky voice.

"Hi Adyan."

"You called me by my first name. I'm making some progress here." I could hear him smile.

"Don't get your hopes up." I said as he laughs.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing now, I just put one of my little sisters to bed. She was really tired, apparently."

"You sound like you're very protective over those girls?" He said as he got comfortable on what sounded like his bed.

"I actually am. Especially Maya. She's like my daughter, I love her to death. Do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. I have one little brother and I have an older brother in New York."

"Why New York?"

"He fell in love, got kicked out, and with luck he is living better than a motherfucker like damn. Doing good for a runaway." He said as he laughed.

"Do you guys still talk?" I cracked a smile.

"Yeah, but you know we email and talk on the phone from time to time. But, you know he's a grown man and has things to do."

"Why did he get kicked out?"

"He fell in love."


"My parents are just really, how do I explain this?"


"No, bitchy and prejudice." He laughed and I looked at the phone like this boy lost his damn mind.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they don't like her all because she is black and he liked black girls. It wasn't to just get them mad, he liked black girls for a while; he's been telling me that since I was like 14 years old. They just have such an negative outlook on things and don't see the opportunity that could come along with it. He never did like white girls, I never asked why." He said. Maya came inside my room after taking her shower.

"Yaya, who's that?" She said as she jumped into bed.

"Come on Aaliyah, tell her who I am." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Maya, this is Adyan, Adyan this is my baby sister, Maya." I took my phone and handed it to her, I turned to close my door and she was already giggling.

"Yaya. Adyan said could we go to the park with him and Will on Saturday." I looked at her as I grabbed my phone and immediately answered.

"Why should I take my sisters and my time out with you? And who is Will?"

"Calm down, I'm not going to rape you guys then kidnap you. Will is my little brother. He's eleven, he probably might go to the same elementary school your little sisters. Don't need to get all defensive." He said as Maya laughed.

"At least someone laughs with me." He said.

"She's laughing at you not, with you." I said as she jumps around in my bed, looking at her tablet, watching videos on gymnastics.

"So how about it? Park? You guys? Will and I? Saturday? Possibly out to eat later?" He asked nervously.

"I'll think about your offer. I'll tell you by Friday." I said.

"But, today's Wednesday."


"Well, I'll be waiting for your answer. I should probably let you go now, goodnight Yaya." He laughs.

"Don't call me that ever again." I said as I tried not to laugh. We hung up and I looked at Maya as she falls asleep as the video keeps playing. I turn it off and tuck her in as I go to my desk to finish some homework.

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