Nirvana 12

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"Maya, why are you sitting here by yourself? And where's Anya?" I asked as she hugged me.

"Daddy picked her up early." The white boy walked up to Adyan and stood next to him proudly. I smiled at him and he smiled brightly back to me and Maya as she hid her face.

"But, school ends at 3:30?" Adyan said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 3:37, so he picked her up on time?" Adyan asked as Maya nodded.

"Okay, let's go talk to your teacher and that girl then." I said as Will opened the door for us and walked next to Maya, as they talked about random things. Adyan walked right beside me, holding my lower waist. I let him keep it there because I felt giggly about it. As soon as we reached the classroom I told Adyan to stay outside with Will until we are done. He agreed and as soon as I walked inside the classroom, I was met with Lucy and a little girl popping her gum.

"Maya, this is her?" She nodded in sadness.

"Maya, keep your beautiful head high, I promise she won't make fun of you ever again." I whispered into her ear and she was suddenly filled with this confidence.

"Hello Ms. Gilligan." She stood up with a smile and shook my hand.

"Nice to see you again Miss Aaliyah. This is little Anna and her older sister." I looked at Lucy and laughed with a smile on my face. Maya and I sat down right across from them and Ms. G sat in the middle of us as a mediator set up.

"Well, let's began. Anna called Maya an ugly brown dog. Right Anna?" Anna popped her gum and rudely answered.

"I don't think it's very respectful of Anna here to call my little sister something she isn't. I think that Lucy should be a better older sister and teach her right from wrong." I said with a smile.

"And I do not disagree with you one bit Aaliyah. That was very rude and mean to say and what is our number one rule?" Both Anna and Lucy rolled their eyes.

"Treat others like you want to be treated." Anna said.

"As punishment you don't have recess for two days and you have to apologize to Maya respectfully and kindly. Alright?" Ms. G gave her the motion to proceed.

"I'm sorry for calling you an ugly brown dog. I will never do it again. Happy? Lucy, can we go home now?" Lucy looked at Ms. G and Ms. G sighed as they got up and left.

"Thank you Ms. Gilligan. I'm sorry for taking up your time." I said as I got up along with Maya.

"No problem Aaliyah, I wish we had more people like you in the world." She said as she smiled and we waved goodbye.

I walked outside and saw Lucy and Adyan talking, well, Lucy was yelling while Adyan was just standing there and taking it. I walked towards his car and opened the door for Maya as she sat next to Will. I walked over to Adyan's side and gladly interrupted the conversation.

"You ready to go Adyan?" I said sweetly.

"Gladly, my damn." He opened the car door for me and ran to the other side for his door. He drove off and changed the radio station.

"Are you guys hungry?" Maya said nothing, while Will shouted heck yeah.

"Do you guys want anything?" Adyan asked.

"Maya, if you want something you can get it." I smiled at her and she brightly smiled.

"Can I get McDonald's please?"

"You read my mind exactly!" Will said as they high five each other.

Adyan bought them both a six piece chicken nuggets with fries and orange soda with a chocolate chip cookie for each of them. He bought both of us an number 6, but mine had no tomatoes and his had no lettuce with a large Sprite with no ice.

"So Maya, do you want you and Aaliyah to hang out with Will and I on Saturday? We are going to the park and have dinner and watch a movie." Adyan asked as she looked at me.

"It's all you baby girl. It's your choice." She smiled at me.

"Yes, I want to go." She smiled brightly as she has chicken nugget on her mouth. I wiped it off her and sipped my drink.

"Looks like it's a yes. I'll see you on Saturday beauties." He smiled and winked at me as I smiled deeply. He drove us home and zoomed off after seeing that we got inside safely. Anya also got McDonald's and our dad looked at us puzzled. I mentally laughed because he did not want to buy anything for the white superior, but yet bought McDonald's. Liar.

"Who bought you guys McDonald's?" He asked.

"My friend did. Is that bad?"

"I told you to not buy anything from the white people, Aaliyah." He looked, more like glared, at me.

"But you bought it for Anya." I said fearlessly.

"That's different! If I say not to do something, you don't do it!"

"Be lucky your mother's daughter." He said, I smiled as he walked into his office.

"Eat up baby. Hi Anya." I kissed both of their foreheads.

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