Nirvana 2

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I started to make the bed as my mom came in.

"How much money do you have?" She asked as she pulled out her wallet.

"About $3." I lied.

"Here's a ten, spend it wisely." She said as she left my room. As soon as I heard her room door close, I opened my wallet and places the ten behind the twentys. I have about $188 that my mom gave me since school has started. She's given me five twentys, four tens, a couple of fives and a lot of ones. She doesn't like to see me go hungry at school and start asking people for food.

Especially since I go to one of the high schools in America that are integrated with black and white. But some states like MD, NY, MA, IL, KY, GA, VA, CA, AZ, and more. But the only four states that are still against it or who are still debating it, which are TX, FL, NV, and MO. They don't want to put black and white children together because it would be consider a distraction. Most states, you can even get interracial couples and children legally. In 48 states, it's like they are treated equally. Eventually, I will go to a college in one of those states and live happily ever after.

I continued to make the bed as Maya and Anya come running in their pjs and smiling all big. I have a queen sized bed and they love sleeping in it rather than their individual twin beds. They jumped inside of my bed as I tucked them in and sat by the window, as they giggled their way into sleep. I was on my phone and laptop until about 11pm working on my PowerPoint presentation for English. Maya woke up and was in search for me.

"Yaya, where are you?" Maya looked for me.

"I'm right here, what's the matter?"

"Why aren't you going to sleep?" She said while climbing over Anya to get to me.

"Because I'm working on a project. Go back to sleep." I said as she climbed into my lap.

"I want to sit with you." She yawned.

"I will go to sleep, go back to bed Maya." I said as she was already half away from a deep sleep in my lap. I shook my head and quietly laughed.

After I finished my concluding last slide, I picked up Maya and set her down on the bed next to Anya, who's been sleeping the whole night through.

Maya and I always had a closer relationship than Anya and I because since Maya was born first, she remembers my face more. I'm basically like her mother, she knows me most. Anya was born months later in November, while Maya was born in January. Our dad always loved Anya more for some reason. She seemed to be Daddy's little princess, but she didn't know that yet. My dad always favored Anya, we never knew why. My mom damn well knows that it's true, but she never asked him why. I've always thought about if I get my own apartment senior year of college, I would take Maya with me. At that time she would be thirteen years old, so I could still take care of her, provide for her, and all at having her with me.

It's 5:30am, and I have to get ready for school. I slowly creeked out of bed so I didn't wake up the two little ones who clearly made themselves comfortable in my bed.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth as I was ready to get dressed. I put on my black t-shirt with my gray cardigan, with a pair of blue Forever 21 denim jeans and my black tall lace up boots. I took my glasses and stuffed them in my bag along with my phone, wallet, headphones, flash drive, and binder. I went downstairs to grab an apple and some grapes with a bottle of water.

"Mom, I'm ready." I said and she came downstairs in her scrubs with her purse in her hand. She drives me to school because she doesn't like the buses that drive us to school.

We pull up to the school and I looked at her.

"Have a good day at school and prove something of yourself." She said as she waved goodbye.

Here we go. I said to myself as I took a deep breath.

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