Nirvana 14

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The next day, I woke up with a girly smile on my face and the thought of Adyan packed into my head. I was already dreaming about how Saturday would turn out and how perfect it would be to watch my little sister and his little brother playing around with each other, while him and I sat on the bench or on the swings just talking.

I took a shower and got dressed in a black v-neck shirt with light blue denim jeans that were ripped at the thighs and added my long draping moss green light cardigan with my beige color pencil shoes. I looked at myself in approval and smiled.

As soon as I walked into those doors and looked straight ahead as I actually felt confident walking to class today and sitting in the seat that clearly had some type of token to Lucy. I sat down and got ready to start the day with a smile on my face. Before the bell rang, I was starting to day dream about how the day tomorrow would turn out and I felt dazed. I realized that I was staring at the back of someone's head that sat in front of me. I smiled at myself and snapped myself out of this daze as Ms. Golden put on the morning announcements. As soon as the bell rang, Lucy came in walking through the door with yet again a poorly put together outfit, that maybe she thought Adyan would like. But my style and hers have nothing in comparison, mine actually matches or at least makes sense.

Lucy, later than asked to use the restroom fifteen minutes later. I looked outside the classroom door and saw Adyan and Lucy talking. He seemed uninterested, but she looked determined to get what she wants. I continued to look at Ms. Golden and tried not to pay attention to them. But, I just couldn't help myself but to look and stare as the argument intensified itself.

"Lucy, let me be! Damn!" He yelled.

"Why should I Adyan? You were my boyfriend first and now you're off with some raggedy bitch?" She basically screamed at him, he got closer to her and he said something to her while holding a fist in one hand, but pointing at her with the other.

"Don't you dare call her a bitch." He said with such a strong tone.

"Why shouldn't I? Does she hold you like this?" She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Or kiss your neck like this?" She said as she left little bite marks on his neck. I looked at his face expression as he just stood there.

"Or kiss you like this?" She said as she smirked and was diving in for his lips.

"Alright, Lucy that is enough! Mr. Dylan has a job to do and all you are doing is missing my lesson. Now! Get inside the classroom now!" Ms. Golden said as she stomped outside and began to get irritated with Lucy's voice. Lucy rolled her eyes and sat down in class, looking at me with a smart smirk on her face. I looked down at my paper and didn't say anything else. I looked outside the classroom door and didn't see Adyan outside. I laughed and shook my head as I looked back up at Ms. Golden teaching the lesson.

I managed to go through first and second period with avoiding Adyan. I got to lunch and hoped he didn't sit in my booth, as soon as I saw it empty I zoomed through people to sit down and I pulled up some papers. As soon as I began to write someone was standing over me.

"Is this seat taken?" I laughed at his voice.

"No, you can have the booth matter fact." I said as I collected my things.

"Aaliyah, come on. Can I explain?"

"Nothing to explain. She wants you, you can have her. I'm good." I said as I smiled.

"Why do you keep smiling and laughing? You know that I am picking you over her." He said as he looked down at me.

"Because of that exactly. I'm laughing because you clearly are playing me for a fool. I'm not one of these bitches running around here Adyan. I'm not a choice." I said as I tried to leave.

"Don't you believe me?" He said with those saddened eyes.

"Yeah, I do. I believe those bite marks on your neck too. And you know what they are telling me? They are screaming otherwise."

"What can I do?" He said while looking into my eyes for a hint.

"Give me my journal back."

"Other than that."

"So first, you won't give me back my own property. Now, you are telling me one thing, but want to do another with your ex or whatever you call her. Wow, some story." I said while trying to think of the easiest way to leave.

"I said I'll give it back to you tomorrow, I am simply keeping my word. Lucy means nothing to me if I am still here trying to see you. You don't have to talk to me for the rest of the day, as long as you still come tomorrow. You saw how happy Maya was to go. You can't let her down. Please?" He says.

"Fine. Just leave me alone." I said as he smiled and I pushed through him to leave.

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