Chapter Ten; Seeing

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I was on my way to the wolf town four days later. Epimetheus taught me so much. Including how to use my newfound sight. Which I was using right now.

Everything was in beautiful shades of color. Even non alive things. Living things of a same species all had the same main color, but each individual had different shades and hinting. Epi told me all shape shifters had a same base color, then the secondary base color according to the type of shifter. All shifters had a gold base color, and horse shifters had a silvery secondary base. Epi said that as I encountered other types of shifters I would learn their colors. He also said humans were a dull gray color. And well, he also said clothes all had a soft, light tan, so that I'd always be able to tell you was shirtless, quoting him directly. Needless to say I turned red.

I slowed my lope to a trot, wanting to put off seeing Ed and the wolves for just a bit longer.

I sighed, they would never let me out again. Well, I'd just find a way to escape, now that I could actually see. Speaking of which, houses and such were a light orange, with the hints of color of the individuals that inhabited it.

As I jogged to town, I looked about, taking in the world through eyes that had only started seeing four days ago.

I approached twn, seeing that the wolf shifters color as a species was a pale blue. Interesting.


I let out a squeal as someone yelled out at the sight of me. When I looked around, I saw, actually saw, Ed speeding towards me. Wait.

I let out a strangled oof as I was tackled by Ed. I fell to the ground with a loud thud and lay winded for a bit. Ed took the time to talk about a hundred words a minuet.

'Oh Ryder I'm so sorry! I never should have said that to you, you are so much more than what they say. Please forgive me!"

Once I got my breath back, I looked at Ed, my sense of seeing someones expression combined with my odd sight, and I could now see Ed's face, Epi said that seeing expressions might happen, with my specially enhanced...self.

Ed's handsome face was worried. And I forgot that I needed to reply as I studied him. I loved being able to see my friends.


His voice cracked, and I realized his eyes glistened. I snapped into reality and shifted to my human form, thanking the Wind God that horse shifters shifted to human form with clothes.

"Oh Ed, it's okay, I forgive you!"

Ed didn't reply, he just wrapped his arms tightly around me, hugging me to him as if I would vanish if he wasn't careful. Then he pulled away, eyes narrowed and arms across his chest. Uh-oh.

"What were you thinking!? Disappearing like that for four days? Alpha Luke and I have been worried sick!"

His expression was stern, jaw clenched, blue eyes burning with anger. I ducked my head, biting my lip. I sighed then looked back up at him. Then I clenched my jaw. Papa hadn't said I was hardheaded for nothing.

"Well Ed, I think I had the right to, after all, I was learning how to see."

"That is no exc-. Wait, learning to see?!"

I nodded, and his eyes narrowed.

"Stop narrowing your eyes at me, I can actually see, I can see that you are wearing a tight shirt, skinny jeans, and your hair is all messy."

I saw him look down, then he looked back up at me. Then without warning, scooped me up bridal style, and began walking to the pack house. I turned red at feeling the stares of other, and buried my head in Ed's chest. I didn't bother asking where we were going. I knew Ed enough that he wouldn't tell me until we were until we were there.

Finally, we made it to what smelled like my room, and looked like my room. He chunked me onto the bed, then flopped down next to me, almost landing on me. I squeaked and shuffled over.

"Okay Ryder, spill, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure blind people usually stay blind."

I smiled slightly, I could hear the confusion in his voice. Then began to explain.

"Well when I had first went exploring, I met another horse shifter named Epi, and he was blind too, but he could see, in a strange way. So he said he would teach me to see next time I saw him, and then we ah, argued, and I took off. I slept on a beautiful spot on the cliff, and the next day saw Ei again, and he taught me so much, including how to see. And now I can finally see. In a odd way. You see, I don't quite see regularly, I see in colors, but different from normal colors, oh I cannot explain it, you'll just have to believe me, and I can also see your expression right now. Oh it is all so amazing."

I trailed off, my eyes closed and my head on my hands. Ed was silent. Opening my eyes, I saw Ed watching me, brows furrowed and deep in thought. I just watched him. Eventually he spoke.

"Well Ryder, thats amazing, and well uh, I have something to tell you as well."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he blushed, actually blushed. I laughed, in my eyes, the blush showed up as a light red across his face, oh how strange my sight is.

"Well uh, you see Ryd, I uh, I found my erm, m-mate."

I grinned at him and he blushed harder.

"Well who is the poor woman?"

He lightly punched me and I laughed.

"It's uh, well, L-Lola."

I smiled.

"Well I knew that. You couldn't take your eyes off her the second you saw her."

"Oh, you saw that?"

I nodded and he coughed. Then I sensed him grow sad. That made me nervous.

"Ryder, I love you, you're my little sister, but, I-I need to stay here with Lola. I don't care that she's a wolf, I alread love her."

I just nodded slightly, a little tight throated. I understood, I wasn't mad, but I enjoyed travelling with Ed, I would miss him, but I knew he wanted to stay with his mate. He hugged me, then spoke.

"Don't worry Ryder, someday you'll meet your mate."

That snapped my thoughts into focus, and I realized that now that I actually had my freedom to travel, I did not want to settle down, listen to a bossy guy and raise screaming children for the rest of my life. No, I was free now, and I would stay that way.

"Well, I don't think I want to find him, I'm free now, and I want to stay that way, not settle down."

Ed chuckled, then stood, he ruffled my hair and left with a goodnight thrown over his shoulder and stopped by the door.

"You'll feel different about that someday little wanderer, for now sleep."

He left, turning out the lights and closing the door. I shook my head, then showered, dressed in pjamas, and fell into bed, falling asleep instantly.

A/N: Yay! A new chapter. Okay, I know I didn't explain her sight very well, but I dont quite know how, so just, think of it as you please. But yes, she sees.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Or as I like to call it; Single's Awareness Day. Lol, peace guys, I'll try to update soon.


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