Chapter Four; Billings

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We had made it to Billings later that evening, and booked a hotel near the woods. Ed and I got separate, adjoining rooms.

I put my bag down and laid on the bed. I scented the air, then pulled out my things, I unrolled the map, tracing the words. I would stay in Billings for awhile before moving on. But I needed a falsde identity. If I just said I was Ryder Parker, I'd be back in Blue Grass Herd so fast my head would spin. I did not want to go by another first name, but I needed a better last name, and I neded to hide my blindness. I can lie easily, so when people asked if I was blind, I would just say it was a genetic defect. Hopefully that would work.

I had been sleeping when a dangerous smell woke me. I sat bolt upright, then scented the air. The best patr about mental picture was that I could scent through walls, so I could see if anything was there. And there were four people on the other side of the wall. They stalked up the halls, and I saw weapons on theier belts. Silver weapons.

I cursed under my breath and made my way to Ed's room by touch. I shook him awake and heard him growl at me, then I scented the air to see where he was. I sensed his confusion of my smelling the air, but I ignored him for now. I covered his mouth to keep him from making any sound. Then I sensed his smirk, I looked down at him in confusion, then felt my cheeks heat up as I realized he was probably shirtless and my barging into his room in the middle of the night then covering his mouth with my hand was, uh, odd. I shook my head at him then re scented the air to see where the people were. The people in the hall, the hunters, had stopped in the hall listening. They probably had potions to enhance hearing and other senses.

I looked down at Ed, mouthing hunters. I felt the heat of his stare for a few seconds, then he cursed and leaped out of bed hitting me, I almost fell, but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. I blushed at our closeness, then shook myself and moved over. I sensed him go to his bag and pull on a shirt, he packed up then took my hand and led me back to mine where he packed my bag for me. I smiled gratefully at him then shouldered it. He led me by the hand to the window then pulled it open. I felt the air moving across my skin and looked at Ed curiously. I sensed him grinning at me.

"Ever jumped out a window Ryder?"

I shook my head, and sensed his grin increase.

"Well then hold on."

He pulled me out onto the ledge and I scented the air. We were at least three stories above the street. I looked at Ed and sensed his grin again.

"There's a building's roof about fifteen feet away, think you can make it, or do you need me to carry you? Seeing as you like to wake me up in the middle of the night with your hand over my mouth."

I blushed at his words, he was so cocky.

"I can make it Ed, but maybe I need to carry you."

I smirked at him and before he could answer I was leaping over the gap towards the next building. I tucked and rolled as I landed, then sprang to my feet. I looked back and scented the air. Ed was flying towrads me. Then he hit me.

We went down in a heap and tangle of legs and arms. When we finally stopped moving, I was on the ground and Ed above me. He lifted himself up onto his elbows and looked down at me. I sensed him staring and I blushed. I heard him chuckle.

"You okay Ryder? You took quite a tumble, and now your face is all red."

I laughed then replied with something witty.

"Well I may be blind, but I can sense your staring you know."

I sensed his blush and smiled triumphiantly. I heard his deep chuckle.

"I keep forgetting those pretty eyes of yours don't do anything."

I rolled my eyes and sensed him lean closer to me. I scented the air and saw he was right above me. I heard his deep chuckle again then he stood up and pulled me up.

"Hey Ryd, why are you always doing that?"

"Well, since I am blind, I my other senses are very powerful, and my sens of smell is so strong, that when I take a deep sniff, a kind of picture of my surroundings forms in my head. I can't see people's features or exprssions when I do that, but that's what touch is for. I can pretty much sense your smirk. So these eyes may not do anything, but touch and smell make up for that pretty well."

Ed whistled appreciatively. I smiled, then froze as a foreign smell came to me. I scented the air and saw the four hunters walking across the street towards our building. I scented again, then stiffened as one shape looked up and met my eyes. I growled then grabbed Ed's hand, dragging him towards some fire exit stairs I had seen during my last scenting. Ed understood then led me forwards down the stairs. After I stumbled about five times, Ed just picked me up bridal style and ran down the stairs. I clung to his neck as he tore down allyways heading towards the woods, once I was in horseform I would be able to run better. We reached a meadow and Ed and I began to shift. I finished shifting first and I leaped to the ground, I heard Ed finish shifting behind me and we took off, I fell into step by his shoulder and he led us through the woods. I could hear the hunters behind us on a jeep, the jeep was fast, but big werehorses were faster.

Even though I was most likely running for my life, I had never felt so alive. I bucked in excitement and I heard Ed snort in amusement. Slowly, the sound of puruit faded until I could not hear it anymore. But we ran on, our hooves dumming a pattern into the night.

Well, Ed and I were off to somewhere else, though I hadn't anticipated him coming with me when I left Billings. Ah well, he would just make the trip more interesting.

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