Chapter Fourteen; At the Tracks

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Jose, my excersise jockey, attempts to get me to slow down, I don't want to, but I do. He pats my neck as we come to a walk. Then he turns to Ralph and Rick at the fence.

It is four weeks after my first run on the track when I had gotten away from the grooms, and I had eventually let them train me for racing. It is pretty interesting, and I have my first race coming up soon. In my horse form, I am about three years old, so I will be entered in the Kentucky Derby. One mile and a fourth of a mile. Easy.

"She looks great Jose, how does she move?"

"Perfect, though she always argues with me over when to stop and slow down."

"Oh she always does that. If she had her way, she'd never stop. Anyways, lets unsaddle her and walk her off, the Derby is next week, and we can't risk an injury to her now."

Jose nods, and I'm led to my barn and untacked, then a groom takes me and walks me around.

I am in top shape, my coat is smooth and shiny, and I am well toned. I am ready for the race. Though they better pick a good jockey.

As I walk, I am aware of the people who watch me. Buyers and such come often to the farm to look for good horses, but the attention on me is a first. I prance nervously, and the groom looks over, noticing the people, he leads me over.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

"Yes, we were just admiring this horse here, and were wonderig who her sire and dam were, can you tell us?"

The groom fidles with my halter then shrugs and speaks.

"She wasn't bred here, we aren't sure where she even came from, Rick, the bosses son, caught her five weeks ago wandering a campground. She has good speed, so we are training her for some races."

The men look surprised, then they look over me critically. One speaks up.

"Does she have a lip brand? Most racers do."

The groom shakes his head, the men seem surprised.

"Well it is not often a mustang like her has such good speed, is she scheduled to run in any races soon?"

"Yes, the Kentucky Derby."

The men nod, then start to leave, with one remark to the groom.

"We look forwards to watching her run, good day."

The groom nods and we finish walking.
I eat my dinner and then settle down, ignoring the other horses as I dream of races and freedom.
1 week later at the Derby track.
The trailer ramp drops down and immediately press begin snapping pictures and clamoring for the groom to lead me out. I look at everything nervously. The groom pats me as the security officers have the photographers step back. I am led down, prancing slightly.
I tower over the people at almost 17 hands. My black coat gleams and my mane and tail float about in the breeze. The press ask about my blue eyes, my stats and all that stuff. I'm too busy looking around to pay attention. That is until some takes a picture with the flash on. I flinch then glare. He at least has the grace to look ashamed.
I am led to a roomy stall with a pile of fresh hay. I am to nervous to much, instead I listen to Rick and Ralph talk to the press.
"Sir, do you think that Silver Jinx will do well in the Derby?"
"I don't see why not. Jinx has a lot of potential."
"When will you be exercising her?"
"Later today, just a light workout to get rid of travel jitters."
"Will you do any serious workouts?"
"Most likely, Jinx hates to keep cooped up for too long."
"Who do you have as her jockey?"
"A young man named Joey Swern."
"Can we get some pictures of her?"
"Sure, as long as there's no flash."
My stall's top door opens and the people gather to take pictures. I can't help but pose.

Eventually the press is ushered away and I fall into sleep.
Early morning finds me and my jockey meeting for the first time.
Joey Swern is a small, muscled young man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He seems kind. Ralph suggests that Joey be the one to take me for my morning run to get used to me. He agrees and I am tacked up and led down to the track.
I sit in the gate as it opens and closes around me. I am unaffected. They take me out then Joey climbs up. Finally! I've only been able to run once since we got here three days ago. The race is in four days.
Joey pats my neck and we set off at an easy lope. People watch as we warm up, then Joey asks me to take a not so fast lap.
I leap forwards, my strides coming quick and strong. But not as fast as I could do.
I pass the trainers on the fence who stop their stopwatches and talk over my time. I manage to get away with one more lap before Joey slows me. I prance back to Ralph who helps Joey down and asks him how I feel.

"She's got a quick stride. She doesn't fight too much either. I'll ride."
Ralph claps him on the back and I'm untracked and led back to my stall.

A/N: •chunks chapter at the raging -but silent- crowd•
Here take it!!
Anywho, like holy cow, 2K?? That's crazy!!
Thanks so much guys!!

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