Thirty-Four; Epilogue

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3 years after the war

Adam's POV
Every day, I wake up thankful to have her with me. To be able to hold and love her. I know I'm incredibly lucky to have gotten her back, and I will never stop being aware of that.

I know Ryder is different now. She is quieter, liking to be alone sometimes. Some days she will sit silently at a window or outside and say nothing all day. Other days I'll find her up on the roof, eyes closed and leaning into the wind, letting it stir her hair as if she were running. My heart always she's for her, for I can feel her feelings even if she tries to hide them. She didn't tell me a lot, but even if I didn't understand, I let her move away from the topic.

Sometimes I wake up to find her flailing about, her movements wild. I know it is the effects of having being wind gripped. At times like that, I just pull her close to me and hold her until she falls back asleep.

I will never stop loving her.

Ryder's POV

I leap from the balcony, lazily flapping my wings and soaring above home. The late afternoon sun feels amazing on my back.

I catch an updraft and glide, circling up and up. In the distance I see the warriors training and change direction, flapping powerfully with my wings. I swoop down over the field and the warriors duck, then stand and wave.

I wave back, the turn and fly back towards home where I hear Adam calling me. I see him standing on the balcony and I hover by it.

"Ryder wait up, I need to grab something, then lets go for a run."

"Okay, I'll wait here."

He disappears and I begin to circle lazily, thinking.

I am twenty now, Adam is twenty-four.

It's been three years after the war. The herd has recovered and move on.

My wings are common now. Although visiting alphas often go a little bug when they see them.

Adam comes outside, shirtless and looking mighty fine, shifts, and begins to lope along an open trail. I swoop down and fly just above him, my ink black wings brushing his sides when I flap.

I'm not sure where we're going, but I'm content to fly with my mate.

A small pang of sadness hits me, and I sigh. I missed shifting achingly. I could no longer hear the drum of my hooves against the earth or feel the wind in my mane and tail as I ran. I missed it all, but I also loved my wings. I could soar high up into the clouds and travel far distances in only a bit of time.

Plus if I was shy I could wrap my wings around myself and hide.

Adam begins to slow and shifts mid stride. I glide past him, giving him a quick pec on the cheek as I drift by.

I circle up then swoop down towards Adam. At the last second I flare my wings out, and I land right in front of Adam. I fold my wings and do a little happy jig.

"I finally did it!"

Adam laughs, pulling me to him.

"Yes you did. I'm relieved to not be knocked over all the time now."

I blush, hiding my face in his chest. He chuckles, taking my hand and leading me over to a huge white tent in the tree line.

We go inside and I gasp.

The tents has a huge pile of blankets and pillows piled together in front of a tv with a stack of movies by it.

In the corner there's a table with food.

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