Chapter Twenty-Three; A Wager

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"Ryder, please."

"No Adam."

"Ryder, all mates do this. And it's been two weeks since you've got back. I've agreed to sleeping without you for two weeks."

"So, you can go another two weeks without me."

Adam sets his jaw, and I know he's entered Stubborn Mode. Nothing less than an MI tank can move him once he's set his mind.

Adam and I are in the dining room, arguing about sleeping arrangements. He thinks it's time I sleep in the same bed as him. I think not.




"You heard me. Night Ryder."

With that Adam turns around and heads upstairs. I blink in confusion. Then I realize I won. Ha! I won an argument with Adam!

I zip up to my room, change into my pajamas, and jump into bed. I sit back smiling happily. Adam and I argue a lot, but never badly. I think we both just like to argue.

I'm almost asleep when suddenly the door flies open and Adam flies in, scoops me up and darts out my room, down the hall and into his. I squeal and try to escape, but Adam has a grip of steel.

The lights are already off and Adam sets me down, lies down next to me and pulls the covers up over us. He curls around me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. I'm still trying to process that I'm no longer in my room and instead am in bed with a smiling...and shirtless...Adam.


My voice is muffled but Adam hums in response.

"You planned this."

"Of course. I never give up so easily. And if I have to keep doing this until you finally move into here, then I'll do so. Consider this your punishment for running away."

"What if I lock my door?"

"Then I'll unlock it with my master key."

"What if I take said key."

"Then I'll make another. No go to sleep babe."

I roll my eyes, then I have an idea. Once he falls asleep, I'll just slip out.

"I hope you know that if I fall asleep with something in my arms then I keep said thing in my arms until I wake up."

"That's not possible."

"Try me babe. I bet you I will."

"I bet not."

"What do I get once I win?"

"Nothing, because I know I'll win."

"Hmph, I win, you give me a kiss on the lips and you move in and sleep with me from now on. You win, you get to sleep by yourself."

"You get a lot if you win."

"So you want a kiss if you win?"

"No. Never mind. I'll just settle with sleeping by myself."

"Ok then. The wager is on. Night love."

"Good night Adam."
I slept blissfully. The best sleep I'd ever gotten. When I woke up the next morning, light from the window softly lit the room. I start to stretch, then freeze. Carefully I turn and look at Adam. Damn. I'm still in his arms...but he's still asleep. Very carefully, I start to slip out from his grip.

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