Chapter Twenty-Two; Let's kill her eh?

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I'll be damned.

I am running. Something is chasing me. I seem to get into these situations a lot.

Canada is not so fun. There are so many rouges, well, I am one too, but these are so agessive. Anyways, I was just grazing in a meadow, in horse form, becuase human form was not safe from ah, ahem, female attention starved males. I have had to knock many out before I just stick to my horse form now, anyways, I was just grazing in a meadow, when a large rouge pack suddenly surrounds me. I look up uneasily and they just glare at me all in horse form.

"Have you wandered too far from your herd little filly?"

I want to bare my teeth, but instead I just answer in a wary tone.

"No, I left mine. I'm a rouge."

"Funny, you smell like some Alpha I hate. Do you know Alpha Adam, by chance?"

I keep my expression neutral, if these rouges knew I was the mate of said alpha, they would kill me.

"She smells like him, more so then a normal herd member, more like a mate. A runaway mate."

I stiffen, then notice a narrow gap between two rouges. I keep my glance moving, as if I hadn't seen it.

"Let's just kill her eh?"

"Good idea."

I run then, darting between two rouges, who snap and bite at my hide. I manage to get away and run. I dodge and dart between trees, trying to think of a way to escape. I see a canyon up ahead, and an idea comes to my head. I became an adept rock climber, horse and human form.

I put on a burst of speed, rocketing into the canyon and speeding up narrow trails. I hear rouges stumble and slip, some fall to their doom to the icy and quick flowing river far below us.

I leap a canyon, and dart upwards climbing steadily to the sky. I hear some hardy rouges still on my tail. I reach the top, confronted on one side by a massive gap that is far too wide to jump. If I could jump that, I would be safe, for that is the only way into the distant rocky lands. But I cannot. On all other sides steep cliffs drop down to the open land below. I am trapped.

I wheel around to return down the path, but some seven rouges are already here, grinning evilly at me and advancing slowly. I look frantically for an escape, but here, there is none.

"Let's push her off the cliff. She can fall, then splat. And we'll carry the news to her mate. Who will be heartbroken and vulnerable."

I bare my teeth.

"You may kill me, but you'll never be able to harm Adam. And if I die, I will die freely, not pushed to my death by insane rouges."

With that I turn and run, heading towards Big Gap at full speed.

I run faster and faster, ears against my head and heart thrumming.

I approach the edge, gather myself, and my courage, and jump, pushing myself over the gap, remembering my fondest memories.

I extend myself, reaching out with my forelegs as if I could reach the other side.

I'm soaring, flying over the Big Gap. Then suddenly my hooves touch the other side, and I land, stumbling slightly, but alive!

I turn around, looking at the other side and rearing, taunting the rougues, who take one look at me then run, hightailing it back down the trail.

I turn to face Big Gap land, or Ryder's Territory, as I will now call it.

I'm pleased, and I know that if I jumped the Big Gap once, I can do it again. Then I turn and set off, following a very, very faint trail down. Past a steep gorge, through a small forest, then at the opening of a massive green valley. It is a beautiful sight to see.

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