Twenty-Eight; Planning

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{this is for BriarRoses thank you for entering the contest!!}

I live in this place. This odd indoor world. I prevail over it. I am queen.

Though every afternoon I stand on that ledge and just think of my past and my family. It is a ritual.

I am sharply aware of my state. I have two more months to live. And I have had about seven attacks. My heart is slow. But I am quickly becoming aggressive.

Not because of the madness. But cause I need to appear mad. I've chased Bloods men through my world. Hunting them and screaming after them.

Few dare to come in now.

I am at my ledge when I notice two men slip into my domain. I perk my ears in interest.

I decide to terrorize these men.

I slip down from the mountains. Ghosting through my turf. Snow muffles my hoof steps, and I ghost through the snowy world, a black ghost in a white, desolate world. I stop at the edge of the forest and watch them walk across the plains. I strain my ears and catch their conversation. What I hear excites and angers me.

"I can't believe boss accepted Adam's declaration of war."

"Well if Adam is killed in it, he can say he never broke the promise. Adam did declare war himself too"

"Well boss said to see if Jinx has lost it yet. If she has, we're to catch her and take her to the cell. Imagine Adam's surprise if we attack him with his own mate!"

I stop listening. A plan forming in my head. Adam is foolish to declare war, but that's done and I can't change it. But I can plan.

Now it's time to put my plan into action.

I scream, putting in the sound of madness.

The men jump, and look around fearfully. One pulls out a radio and speaks into it, calling in the tranquilizers.

I decide to have some fun.

I charge at them, screeching as I thunder towards them. They leap out of the way and I breeze past, snapping at one.

I circle around and come at them again, teeth bared. They yelp and start to run. I chase them. I am not all myself. My animal side wants their blood to stain the ground. It wants them to pay for trapping me here and taking me from Adam. The smell of their fear fuels me on. I scream a battle cry.

Suddenly a sharp pain strikes me in the shoulder. Angry, I turn. A man looks at me with a tranq. gun in fear. I scream and lunge for him. I suppose I should've expected this, but I still get aggressive. Poke me with a needle and I will hurt you.

He runs, and as I chase him, I stumble. Suddenly terror seizes me. I remember my near death last time I was tranquillized and I panic. I veer off the mans trail and run, stumbling and crashing through the woods.

I fall, and though I struggle to stand, I manage, scrambling to my feet and running again, darkness at my vision's edge. I'm almost near my hiding place. Almost here.

But I fall back to the ground, and though I fight to remain conscious, I slowly succumb to sleep.
I wake in a stone stall.

Immediately I scramble to my hooves, heart thumping.

Blood is at the gate, behind bars, watching me. I pin my ears, lunging for him, my teeth seeking his throat.

He steps back quickly and I hit the wall. I paw and kick out. Snapping angrily at the air.

I should get an award for acting. But I wouldn't deserve it. I am not acting all the way.

"Well. You have succumbed. You are truly insane. Wonderful."

He looks beside him.

"Tranquilize her. We leave for the battlefield tomorrow. Make sure the dose is enough to keep her asleep for about three days."

"Yes sir."

I freeze, my breath shallow. Then I explode.

I shriek then rear, pawing the air and backing from the gate.

Blood and the guard back away fast. I kick out and pace. Keeping my eyes locked on the gate. Someone steps through that door, and I will attack.

Maybe I have succumbed.

A/N: very sorry this is short, but I am trying to get this story to 30 chapters. And I don't want to reveal too much. And unlike some stories, I'll have this conflict short , as it isn't the point of the book. But we are nearing the end. Only a few more chapters left!

And, I apologize, but there WILL NOT be another book 😔 sorry guys!


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