Chapter Six; Surprising Allies

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After feeling eyes, Ryder, feeling nervous, scented the air, her companion, Ed, ran ahead, and about ten or eleven large shapes could be seen hurtling along next to the horse shifters, closing in slowly. Ryder opened her mouth to tell Ed, but yelped when she collided with his back. He'd stopped when the deadly ring tightened around them. Ryder's scenting revealed a dozen and a half wolves. Ryder forced herself to stand bravely, for she expected for her and Ed to die. Werewolves often killed any trespassing shifters found on their territories. One last scenting revealed a black alpha stepping forwards. Ryder braced herself, waiting for the end. The wolf opened his mouth, and...

And issued a sharp command.

"Lee, Spike, Welt, and Bruce, go take care of those hunters!" He looked at Ed and I. "You two, follow us."

He turned and began walking away as four wolves broke off and loped back the direction Ed and I came from. Ed and I, meanwhile, stood speechless. The alpha turned and grinned an amused wolfish grin that made my skin crawl.

"Come on, we won't harm you, we're allies, since you two just so happened to draw those hunters that killed so many of our pack right here to us."

I quivered, my mental pictures were flashing through my mind as I scented repeatedly. I didn't sense any danger from these wolves, but I was still cautious.

We approached a town, judging from the noise I heard coming from it. My ears flicked around, and my nostrils were flared, and suddenly the town went eerily quiet, I wanted to turn around and high tail it back the way we came. But I didn't, I stayed and walked with the group, keeping my muzzle touching Ed's shoulder.

"Mama, why are her eyes like that?"

I flinched inwardly, but outside I held my head up, and my sightless eyes forwards as we marched through town. I could faintly sense the pack lining the streets to watch the strange procession go by.

We reached the pack house and the wolves disappeared inside leaving three human pack members to watch us. I stayed still, if I had my sight, I would've been looking around, but I didn't and so I just stood there. Ed was standing nearby, his shoulder touching mine. I bent my neck and touched his nose with mine. He wuffled reassuringly to me. Eventually the wolves returned outside in human form and clothed. The alpha invited us inside, on the condition that we shifted to our human form. I was reluctant to give up my better horse senses for duller human ones, but I was hungry and needed a good shower.

I shifted back, and clung to Ed's side, holding his arm as we walked to the pack house. I sensed the alpha's raised eyebrow at my holding Ed's arm, but this blind girl wasn't going into a werewolf house alone.

About five minuets later, we were all seated in the living room. I sat next to Ed, sensing the heated stares of many unmated males. I shifted uncomfortably, then turned my gaze to the alpha's direction. In the silence, I studied the meeting picture. Luke seemed tall, and he had light brown hair with deep brown eyes. His skin was tanned, and he had a handsome smile. He exuded confidence, and a hint or arrogance. He knew he was handsome, I rolled my eyes. But he seemed to be a good leader. As I was done examining him, he cleared his throat.

"Well, I am not sure if you guys have heard of me, but I am Luke Nova, alpha of the Supernova Pack. And you guys are...?"

Ed cleared his throat then answered.

"Eddie Quain, rouge, this i-"

"Excuse me, but I would like to hear the girl talk."

Ed closed his mouth, and I sensed him glare at Luke, I sighed, but answered. Thankfully, my voice didn't quiver, and I stared right at Luke.

"Ryder Olani, rouge."

I was blunt and to the point. I sensed that Luke was slightly surprised that I wasn't falling for his charms, as he was used to girls doing. By his behavior, I guessed he was unmated. I rolled my eyes."


I raised an eyebrow, then a discreet scenting revealed Luke's outstretched hand. Blushing lightly, I shook his hand. He cleared his throat then spoke again.

"I am all for helping you two, but I do need to know why you two were tearing through my territory."

I looked at Ed, needing to seem that I could see. I sensed him nod.

"We were staying in town hoping to restock and relax for a bit, but those hunters caught wind of our being in town, so we had to run. At first, we'd managed to escape them. We were actually waiting just outside your borders for permission to cross your territory when they found us again, so we had no choice but to run for it. I trust that the hunters are either dead or prisoners?"

I sensed Luke nod, then he must've waved someone over, and my meeting picture revealed her as a very pretty brown haired, amber eyed girl with fair skin. Luke's sister, younger, I guessed. I was right.

"Hey lil sis, mind showing these two to their room?"

I let out a strangled cough, then as I sensed everyone's puzzled looks, I elaborated.

"Ed and I aren't a couple, more like siblings."

I heard Luke chuckle.

"So you're single then?"

I rolled my eyes, but nodded. I sensed a blinding smile and I rolled my eyes again.

"Well, I hope I can get to know you better. Bye guys, I have work to do. By the way, this is my younger sister, Lola. Lola, this is Ed and Ryder."

I smiled at Lola, and sensed her smile back, then her gaze turned to Ed, and I sensed an odd electric spark fly between them. Perhaps they were mates. I smiled in amusement, then followed after Lola as she led us upstairs. I sensed Luke staring after me as we walked away. And I sensed Ed staring at Lola as she walked. Yep, they were most likely mates.

I stepped into my new room and put my bag down by the door, I made sure it had a lock, then locked it and nodded in satisfaction. I scented the air, looking around the room. The room was good sized, with a queen sized bed with a nightstand next to it. A dresser stood by a tv, and pictures hung on the walls. A door leading to the bathroom was by the dresser. I liked this room, but hopefully I wouldn't stay for long.

Then I pulled out some clean clothes as well as a tooth brush, toothpaste and a hairbrush. Along with shampoo, conditioner, and other things. Then I made my way to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower.

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