Chapter Nineteen; Escape

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"Hugo, who's in that stall."

"Um, a female shifter named Ryder. Uh, horse name Silver Jinx. Sir."

I wake up upon hearing my name. Something about that voice... It makes me shiver but want to hear it again at the same time.

Oh no. No no no no no. I need to get out of here!

I shift and get the paper I wrote some time ago explaining why I left. It goes as this.

Rick, Ralph,
I'm sorry that Silver Jinx is no longer here, but she is not a normal horse. She has to move on and go more places, but she'll remember you guys and all you did for her forever. Please do not think someone took her, she escaped and is safe.
~Jinx's translator

I nod, satisfied, then place it on the blanket. Then I stop and listen.

"Wake her, she's coming with us."

I dive out my window and shift, racing across the grounds and to the gate. I shift to my human form, slip through, then shift back to my horse form and run. I turn off the road to a field and run, hearing them cross the gate.

"Ryder! Come back!"

I hear Red and run faster, I need to get away. Far away. Like across the world away.

I'm moving fast, my hooves drumming steadily. Suddenly I see Red in front of me, blocking the path. I wheel around, then see another horse blocking that way. Desperate, I turn to Red.

"Red you have to let me go."

"Why? Why does Alpha Adam want you?"

"I can't say, but you have to let me pass."

"I can't, Ryder, please just come with me, I don't know what Adam wants you for, but he's a good guy. He wouldn't hurt you unless you wanted to hurt us."

I sigh, then see a narrow path to the side, I look out of the corner of my eye, and see a huge buckskin stallion that could only be Adam stalking towards me. He shifts into his human form, but the shadows hide his appearance from me. He calls out, his voice deep and powerful.

"Just come here Ryder. Resisting is useless."

"Never! I'll never stop fighting!"

With that I dive into the small trail, tearing through the bushes. I hear a shout, and I'm running, fear and adrenaline hiding any exhaustion I might feel.

The path gets too small for my horse form and I shift mid stride. Now I'm running on foot, and I hear Adam behind me.

Suddenly I'm tackled from behind, and as we're falling Adam turns so he hits the ground instead of me. I fight, trying to escape, and Adam flips us so I'm trapped underneath him.

I twist, trying to escape him. Adam just shifts his weight a bit.

I look up at him, then wish I hadn't.

Adam was gorgeous. He had short, messy black hair, deep brown eyes, and a strong jawline with stubble on his face. I groan and look away.

"Ryder, why did you run from me?"

Adams voice is pained, as if my running hurts him. I shut my eyes tightly, and he growls.

"Look at me."

I take a breath and look at him, my eyes narrowed.

"I ran because I will not be caught and held captive like some wild animal. I left my old herd for a reason, and that was to escape being controlled. So know this, Alpha, even if you take me and lock me in a house, I will never quit trying to escape. I will always fight you."

His eyes are dark and his jaw clenched in anger. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. My eyes gleam and I shift rapidly. Adam jumps out of the way.

I rear, then bolt, finding a road just outside a city. I run along it, my hooves slipping on the asphalt. Cars swerve around me and honk, then I'm in the town. I dive down a side street, then keep running. People dive out of my way and shout angrily. I duck into an alley and shift, then walk out and join the crowd heading towards a train station.

I purchase my ticket with some money I had and start to board when I hear a shout. I turn, then freeze as I see Adam at the top of the stairs. I quickly board and I see Adam step down the stairs, never breaking eye contact with me. He approaches the window and speaks,

"I will find you Ryder, and you will be mine."

The train pulls away and Adam is left there, staring after the train. Once he is out of sight I release a breath.

Red never told me his Alpha was Alpha Adam. He was young for such a powerful alpha; only 20.

His gypsy herd had been attacked and chased out of their original grounds and had been looking for a new territory for awhile. Adam's herd was well known. Not a herd to mess with. Adam had been looking for his mate for a year or two, but had never found her.

Until now. And I know Adam will stop at nothing to catch me and make me his.

But I will run for the rest of my life if I have to. I will not be controlled ever agin.

A/N: Yes, Ryder found her mate!!

Ok so I picture Adam looking like Adam Levine, y'all can picture him however you want though, I don't mind.

Anyways, I am wondering if anyone is interested in a cover contest!


1. Must have my name on there as the author (I don't mind if you put like 'cover by so and so')

2. Must be emailed to me by March 12th.

3. Be sure to tell me your wattpad username!

That's all the rules. Here are the prizes.

1st place- Gets three chapters of this book dedicated to them and I will follow them.

2nd place- Gets the cover put as a picture in the book along with two chapters dedicated to them.

3rd place - Also gets cover put as a picture in the book along with one chapter dedicated to them.

I hope everyone find the prizes fair. Anyways, my email is

So there are the rules and the prizes. I hope you guys have fun and enjoy reading!


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