Chapter Twenty; Meeting the Resident Herd, and getting Trapped

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The train stops at a different station, not my stop, but I get my things and step off, not intending to come back. I'd been on the train for three days, traveling.

I'm in Missouri, near Kansas City. Kansas is where I want to be. I can blend in with some wild horses until everything dies down.

My old herd is in Nevada, Ed and the wolf bunch is in Montana. And Adam's bunch is somewhere. Okay.

I leave the town, shift in a forest, then set off for Kansas City, where I need to take another train into the heart of Kansas. Ok, good plan Ryder.

I've been traveling for two hours when I see the city limits, I keep going, find a parking lot, hide behind a car and shift to my human form.

I merge with the crowd, and we flow towards a subway that will take me to the train station.

As I'm on the subway, a shifter approaches me. Something about him is odd. Wait. He's a herd horse. Okay that's it.

"Are you Ryder Silver Jinx?"

I nod. His expression changes to a more friendly look. I'm suspicious.

"Would you mind coming with me to the herd house?"

"Uh, sure. But I can't stay long, I've got to get somewhere."

"Yes of course."


We exit the subway and I follow him to a car. I get in, but keep the door unlocked if I need to bail. But the ride is uneventful. I spend the time figuring out what herd this is. There are many herds in the U.S. but there are one or two that are based near cities.

"Kansas City Herd."

He answers my unspoken question as we pull into the herd house's driveway. I get out and follow him inside.

"The Alpha is in there, I mind-linked him earlier that we were coming."

I nod and step into the room, where I see Alpha Will. I know most of the top Alphas but never met them. Da wasn't too keen on other herds knowing about his blind daughter.

"I see you've made it," he nods to someone behind me and I hear the door behind me shut and lock, "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I've been told you are hard to keep track of."

I wheel around, where I see a large warrior in front of the locked door. My breathing picks up and I spin back to face Alpha Will who has his phone and is talking into it.

"Hey Adam, I've got your little runaway here...yeah she's no ones touched her...yeah I'll keep her here until you arrive...okay see you soon...ok bye."

My blood freezes in my veins when I hear Will speak Adams name. Will hangs up then faces me.

"I apologize to have to keep you like this, but Adam called all alphas in this area to tell us to keep an eye out for his mate, he described you and we've been on the lookout for a day or two now. And when my beta mind-linked me earlier saying he found you I was surprised. So your mate is on his way, should be here in two hours."

I'm trembling with anger, mostly at myself. I shouldn't have followed that herd horse. Then I wouldn't be stuck here with Adam on his way.

"Bruce, please take Miss Ryder to the safe room. Stand guard there please."

Suddenly I'm being shown into a largeish room then locked in. I bare my teeth at the door then look around. Then I sigh in defeat.

The room has a bed and a little nightstand, and a bathroom. One tiny window is at the wall, but it's too small to escape out of and it's barred.

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