Chapter Twelve; Captured

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I awake very early. I left the wolf town a week ago, so I'm in the middle of nowhere. I stretch out and paw a bit. I nose open my bag, too tired to shift to human, and just munch. Then I realize that most of my food, along with the map, and coins. Raccoon's. The little - wait.
I hear some people walking towards me, human, and at once, we all freeze. Three teenagers, a little older than me, all guys, stop as they see what looks like a wild horse eating a campers supplies. Uh oh. Oh hey look, they talk.
"Jeff, this the wild horse that's been wandering the campground?"
Campground? Oh.
"Yup. Hey let's catch it. I've got some ropes here in my bag. Here, one for you, and one for you. Ok, let's circle around, ah, be careful, I hear they can be pretty mean."
Oh how cute. They think they can catch me. Only three? Puh-lease.
Suddenly something whips around my neck and another something around my leg. What?!
Damn. There were more than three. I hadn't seen the other two and they had circled around. Oh wait. What am I doing just standing here?
I explode into action. Screaming, I leap up into the air, kicking out. I hear curses and the pressure around my neck increases. I ignore it.
I land on the ground and rear, I buck and kick, then lunge towards one of the stupid teens.
Oh I'm so smart.
The little brat throws another rope around my neck.
Stupid brave teens.
I lunge back, and jerk away. Then the dope who had the rope around my leg remembers he has it.
He throws all his weight back, and my leg is jerked out from under me. I fall.
Immediately two more of them are on my side, pinning me down.
Ok, so there's five stupid boys total. Too many to beat, but I will not give up. Never!
"Rick! Get the extra rope, we can tie a halter for it, err, her."
Oh no you don't you little -.
He ties the halter around my face. Though his hands are gentle, I still hate them. They take the rope off my leg, but leave the ones on my neck on.
Scaredy cats.
Rick - gentle hands - helps me stand. I bare my teeth at him but he ignores it. I sense he knows horses and when we bluff. Hmph.
"Well Rick, congrats, you are now in charge of crazy horse."
Did he just? Nuh uh!
"Shut up Ted, she's just angry, besides, I think we'll call her ... ah ... Silver Jinx. We'll train her up, maybe race her huh boys!"
They all laugh and one slaps my side. I whisk my tail and smack him in the face. I am rewarded with his yelp. Rick chuckles. Apparently Rick's family owns a horse racing business. Lovely.
Rick begins to walk. I refuse to. I lean back and brace my legs. Rick looks back with a raised eyebrow. I glare back.
He just chuckles and nods to someone behind me. A sharp whack sends me forward and crashing into Rick. He falls. I don't. Ha!

He stands up and brushes off his chest, looking at me speculatively. I just glare. He steps forwards and looks into my blue eyes. I just continue glaring. Then he steps back.

"Right, okay so the trailer isn't far, good thing I brought it. The park called a few days ago telling dad a fine looking wild horse was wandering around, I took the trailer, grabbed you idiots, and went looking. Seems like we caught her."

He smirks at me and I get the feeling that he was just explaining that to me, not the guys. He stands back further, probably thinking that, like a normal horse, I can't see very well in front of me, well I can see, but, it doesn't hurt to have him further back. I ignore him and bolt forwards, yanking him backwards. I keep running, I'd ripped the ropes out of the other human's hands and I'm dragging Rick. Then I stop dead. There is a dead end ahead, with the open back of a horse trailer yawning ahead of me. I wheel around, but the rest of the boys have arrived. One gently takes the rope from Rick, then pops me on the back, it stings sharply and I jump forwards, then with the rest pressing me forwards I'm shoved into the trailer.

I look out in fear and rear and buck and kick. Fighting panic, I brace my legs as the trailer begins to move. My heart is racing and I close my eyes tightly.

Somehow I will get free.

A/N: Okay, I know this chapter is short, but it is a filler, important, soo because this is shorter, I will try to update sooner. But yeah.

Peace guys!


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