Thirty; The War

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I sweep into the middle of the chaos, attacking Blood's men, who wear red ties around their necks, in both human and horse forms.

The allies of Adam see me and gape, but I pay no attention. I am fighting for my life.

A large grey enemy shifter lunges for my throat, and I dodge, jumping to the side so his teeth bite my neck, instead of my throat. I screech out in pain and buck, kicking him off. I lunge forwards, rearing, then I come down forcefully, snapping his neck. I lunge back into the fight, blood running down my neck.

I see a small chestnut ally trapped under a brown enemy, and I throw my body into the rouge, throwing him off of my ally. The chestnut nods to me, and we dive back into the chaos.

I am making my way to where Blood will be, fighting fiercely. I have deep cuts on my neck and side, and smaller, less serious cuts all over.

Suddenly I rear, locking forelegs with an enemy. She snaps at me, her teeth inches from my face. I duck, then push powerfully with my legs, and she falls with a thud, an ally finishes her off and then we are both locked into battle with another enemy.

I am pinned under a massive red horse, his teeth on my throat as he tries to kill me. I am fighting weakly, my air running out. His eyes gleam as he realizes I am close to death, then suddenly he's gone and I'm sucking air back into my lungs. I look up to thank my rescuer, and shout when I see who it is.


"Ryder! You're alive!"

"Watch it!"

I leap for the shifter who almost broke Hugo's back and kill her. Hugo nudges me thankfully and suddenly we are separated, back into the horror of war.

I can't tell if we are winning or not, it's too difficult to tell.

Suddenly my heart stutters when I see Adam circling Blood, both in horse form, both glaring. Gradually, other fights stop as we all watch the two leaders. We all know that whoever wins will win the war.

But it isn't Adam's fight.

I lunge forwards, shoving past others to where they circle.

"Blood! Your fight isn't with Adam, it's with me! Fight me instead!"

They both freeze at my voice, and turn to look at me. I'm standing with my ears back and eyes fixed on Blood. I am fully prepared to kill him, and if he kills me, at least I'll drag him with me to death's cold embrace.

Adam looks incredibly happy to see me, but also angry. I know he doesn't want me to fight, but I have to. Even if I don't fight Blood, I will die tonight. The madness will claim me, and I at least want to die fighting. To save Adam. That is all I care about. Saving them all.

"Then step up little filly. I'll be happy to kill you in front of your mate."

I step forwards, gently pushing past Adam, who is pulled back by allies.

Blood and I stop in the middle, eyeing each other, then we begin to circle.

I feel no weariness, no pain or fear. Only adrenaline.

I don't wait for Blood to make the first move, instead I launch myself at him, teeth bared, hoping to surprise him. He ducks to the side and I wheel around to leap after him, managing to graze his cheek with my teeth. He squeals angrily and snaps at me, catching my side and biting down. I screech and leap away from him. He lunges after me and I suddenly drop to the ground, tripping him.

I dart to the other side of the circle to pull myself back together. Then I lunge for him, catching him by the side of his neck. I bite down and at the same time kick out with my foreleg, cutting him on his chest. He shakes me off and moves back, shaking his head. I stand at the middle, my head down, watching him warily. He shakes hisself and I take advantage at his lack of attention.

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