Chapter Twenty-One; "Home"

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I yawn and stretch, sitting up. Or at least trying to. Something heavy across my chest keeps me from getting up.

I open my eyes and bite back a scream. Lying right next to me...shirtless, may I Adam!

I look down at myself and this time I do scream. I am not in my jeans and t-shirt. I am in a tank top and pajama shorts.

Adam sits upright and in the same second yanks me to him, eyes looking around wildly for the threat.


He looks down at me, a puzzled look on his face.

"Why'd you scream?"

"Well for one I'm not alone in this bed, and for two, I'm flipping not in my other clothes...hell, these aren't even mine! Please tell me you didn't change me."

Adam relaxes. A smile plays across his lips and he just nuzzles my neck, laying a trail of small kisses across the skin. I shiver and try to move away, but he keeps me trapped against his chest. The nerve of him!

"No, I did not change you. My sister did. And of course you aren't alone, this is MY room and you are MY mate. Ryder, I wish to know...your eyes are blind blue. But you act as if you can see. How is that?"

"Well I learned to see. I used to be blind. And my parents always babied me because of that. So I ran away. And along the way I leaned to see."

He still hadn't let go of me and I twisted, trying to escape. Adam just lays back, pulling me down with him and keeping his arms around me.

"Well I think they are beautiful, blind or not."

I squeak, then stop for a second, trying to think of a way to escape. But I should have kept struggling. Adam took advantage of my stillness and threw a leg over mine and put his face to the curve of my neck.

I freeze, and my mouth feels dry all of a sudden. Sparks are dancing on my skin where his skin touches mine. His breath on my neck makes me shiver and I find it hard to breathe. Adam chuckles, and his chest vibrates at my back.

"Do I affect you, Ryder?"

I stutter, flustered.

"N-no. You do not. I just have a thing about people in my personal space."

He laughs, kissing the corner of my lips then lays his head on my shoulder. I, meanwhile, am trying to remember how to breathe correctly.

"Ah you lie my mate. I affect you almost as much as you effect me."

I open my mouth, but can't think of much. So I try to divert the talk to a safer subject.

"So Adam, big bad alpha, is a romantic?"

I'm pleased with what I say, but Adam meanwhile is too clever.

"Only around you love."

I redden, and need to hide my face but I can't, the pillows are under Adam. And Adam is the only thing next to me. So I do the logical thing and bury my face in Adam's chest. Hiding my scarlet face. He laughs and leans over me, slightly laying on me and wrapping me tightly in his arms with my face still buried in his chest.

I never was good at anything like this. I was never flirted with by any guys, and the only experience I had with romance was books.

Then I realize Adam is still shirtless and I dart back so quickly Adam jumps. I bury myself under the covers and refuse to come out. I feel Adam trying to pull the covers back but I have them all tightly wrapped around me.

"Ryder baby, come out."


"You do know that someday you'll see me in less than what I'm in now right?"

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