Twenty Seven; Dying Days

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{dedicated to BriarRoses }

My "room" is a sad thing. It's a small space with incredibly thick walls and a thick door that locks on the outside. Every furniture (A bed. A dresser. A small nightstand.) is bolted to the floor. And the tiniest window is barred with thick black bars. There's a small bathroom, it has a shower, and a toilet and a sink. With a door that I can't lock. It's a depressing place.

"To prevent escape. Your attacks will be coming often. And with each attack you will loose more and more of yourself until you are nothing but an emotionless, uncaring animal ready to kill anything."

Well he's right about the attacks. But I won't be loosing myself. I'll be dying. But the animal in me will still try to get out. It's just a thing of the madness.

I spend my days alone in my room. I'm fed. But I don't eat much. I'm just not hungry. I'm not motivated to do anything. I sleep, stare at the ceiling, or take long depressing showers. That's all.

My birthday comes and goes. I don't do anything but wish I was with Adam and my family.

If my herd and mates lives didn't depend on my cooperation, I'd be fighting furiously to escape. I'd attack anything that came through the door and I'd probably be using a dresser handle as a knife. But they do. And so I behave.

My dying days aren't fun. I have about four months before I die. And it will be long and lonely.

The first attack hits at my second week here.

I wake in the middle of the night with wild eyes and terror in my heart. Along with a strong urge to attack anything that isn't my mate. If I'd been aware, I'd realize that Adam was the only thing that I would never attack. Even as an animal I think I'd recognize him.

I am flying around my room, slamming into the door and trying to rip the bars from the window. Howling in frustration I claw at the wall. Then hide under the bed. Then I'm back attacking the door.

This process goes on until late morning. I'm exhausted and my heart beat is just a bit slower and quieter than before my attack.

I cry. I scream. I wail. But no one comforts me. And I'm alone.
I'm on the bed staring listlessly at the ceiling when Blood comes in. I don't move. I don't say anything. I don't think I even blink. I've been here for a month. I've had two attacks.

And it's snowing outside. I wish I could run and play in it. But I cannot.

"Come Jinx. Let's go outside. We built a safe place for you to exercise."

I sigh and stand. Blinking at Blood. Then it registers in my mind. That is Blood.

I growl lowly and angrily and am about to launch myself at him, but I hold myself back. He said that even if I attacked him. He wouldn't harm Adam or the herd. He said it the animal taking over. But still. I repress the urge.

I tremble as we walk along the halls, anger rushing through my veins. Then we are in a massive indoor place. There are forests, small mountains, and a little empty plain. The building probably actually covers a whole acre. I am actually interested in this place. Wind-Gripped makes me register an odd sort of freedom.

And there snow.

I shift, bolting into the woods. I hurtle through the forest, and I keep running. Too soon I'm at an empty plains. Then I'm across and in the mountains. I stand on a ledge the tallest one. I can see everything up here. A breeze from outside stirs my mane and tail.

I rear, pawing. Then I drop back to the ground. I close my eyes. Listening to my slow heartbeat. Then I throw my head back and wail. Let me tell you, a horse's wail is a terror to hear. It's like a wolves howl. But different. It's a wail of utter sadness and anger. A wail of missing something or someone. A wail telling the world you've given up.

Mine is all of those, and I see Blood and his entourage scramble out the door. It locks and I am alone again.

It matters not to me. I continue my mourning.

Adam's POV
I am nothing. My warriors and I are flown home and dropped off. We don't fight. We can't. We are numb. Horribly numb.

My dad took over the herd. He had to. I couldn't do anything. I needed her. But she was gone. Dying. And I wasn't with her. I recall our last kiss. Sad and mournful. But so much love was there. I could feel it radiating from her. Then she was gone.

I hurt so bad. It had been a month. And she'd had two attacks. Each time I'd wake up and feel her panic. Her fury and confusion. Her loneliness. I'd feel everything. But I could do nothing.

The herd was silent. Tiptoeing around me. As if I'd shatter at the merest word. And I think I might. Everything reminded me of her. And at night, I'd cling to her pillow. Straining to catch the faintest whiff of her scent. I hardly ever slept. And when I did, I'd wake up crying her name.

Her parents were home. They were shocked and grief stricken. They acts as if she were already gone. I was so bitter.

Two months without her. She was so weak. So lonely. So sad.

I was all those. In two months. She'd now had a total of five attacks. And she was so faint to sense now. Barely there.

We'd had fights with Blood's rouges. I was often out there. Killing mercilessly. But I never tortured anyone. Ryder would have been horrified. And I avoided any kind of behavior that would have upset her had she been here. Instead I just kill them quickly.

Halfway through the second month I get an idea. Ryder's at six attacks now.

I plan to challenge Blood. I will declare war. I will defeat him and win Ryder back. I will find a way to save her. I will be with her once again.
"What do you want Adam? Miss your mate? She's okay. Very wild actually."

I had told a rouge to call his leader here. And now here Blood was. It would be so easy to kill him right now. But I couldn't. Ryder needs me to overcome my emotions.

"I declare war on you. We will fight in the open field between our territories. One week from now. Bring Ryder. I will win. I will kill you. And I will get her back."

Blood just smirks. He is a madman. Absolutely evil and cruel.

"Well then. I will see you at the battlefield Adam. By the way, you look like someone stole your mate. Oh wait, someone did!"

He begins to laugh as if it were the funniest thing. I barely manage to suppress my anger.

"See you at the field."

I stalk away. Finally, I have a way to get Ryder back. I call my beta up, and tell him of the plan. He agrees wholeheartedly and bolts away to tell out troops to begin training. The entire herd is angry at our lead mare being stolen from us. We are ready to fight for her no matter what.

A/ I don't know. I'm not particularly pleased with this chapter. It's not bad. Just not good. At least I think so. Anyways, another chapter. Here you are my readers!


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