Chapter 2: I Yell 'Fuck' At Anyone Standing Behind My Locker Like Melman

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Turns out, they were playing soccer in P.E. and Guinevere was amazing. 

"Did you play soccer in Washington?" Scott asked as they walked to the back of the line where they were practicing goal shots, some kid named Greenburg in the goal and taking most of the balls to the face.

"Chicago actually. I did track in Washington. Do you guys have a soccer team here? I was thinking about trying out again." 

"Girls soccer starts in spring." Isaac said as he appeared next to Guinevere and Scott, sweaty and out of breath from running laps. 

"That means I still have time to practice my form then." Guinevere said as she stepped up to the front of the line and kicked the ball, watching as it soared over Greenburg's head and into the net. 

"Looks pretty good to me." Isaac said, making her laugh. 

"Thanks. That was all luck though." 

"Hilt! I don't know how they did things in Washington but standing around doesn't get you an A here!" 

"Actually we did fencing in Washington, sir!" She yelled back. "Taking a second to adapt to the less grueling class!" Coach Finstock looked confused at her response but left her be when she turned back to Isaac as he kicked the ball into the goal. "See?" She said as he made it. "That was nice form. You even got the stop right." She said, demonstrating the kick with her own foot in a slower motion. 

"That's because I don't waste my time fencing." Isaac said, looking down at her with a teasing smirk as he headed towards the back of the line. Her jaw dropped with surprise at his comment and she smiled as she shoved him. 

"Hey!" She protested. "It's not like I had a choice in the curriculum."

"Why do people need to fence anymore anyways? When was the last time you had to duel a pirate?" Isaac asked as Scott joined them. 

"Halloween three years ago." 

"Seriously?" Isaac asked, brow raised. 

"Johnny Depp took the last Reese's Cup, he had it coming." Scott and Isaac laughed and they kept talking with Guinevere until they headed back inside to get changed back into their regular clothes for the last few classes of the day. Guinevere pulled on her jeans and t-shirt again before returning the lacrosse shorts and t-shirt that Coach had lent her, looking around the gym for Scott so she could ask him for help with her locker again. He didn't come out of the locker room until just before the bell rang, Isaac disappearing completely. "Where did Isaac go?" 

"Out the side door in the locker room. His class is closer that way." 

"Ah. Well, you were who I was looking for anyways. Can you help me with my locker please?" She pleaded, hands folded like she was praying in front of her as she pouted up at him and spun from side to side like a child who couldn't sit still. Scott smiled. 

"Of course." The bell rang and they both headed out of the gym, Guinevere thanking him happily as she grinned and walked down the hall by his side. 

"You're seriously my favorite person ever. Don't tell Stiles." She gushed as he twisted her combination in for her. 

"Your secret is safe with me." Scott promised as he swung the door open. "I have to get to history but I'll find you after to help again." He assured, resting a hand on her shoulder lightly as he moved past her and down the hall. 

"Thank you!" She called after him, grabbing a notebook and pencil for her class before deciding to grab the sandwich baggie of strawberries from her bag too. She shut her locker door and jumped when she found Stiles on the other side. "Fuck!" She yelled loudly as she turned and was met immediately with the dorky teen. 

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