Chapter 6: Pizza Planet Would Be Jealous

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Friday evening, Guinevere bought dark blue paint while her parents went out on a date. She ran into Scott at the dollar store when she went to buy smaller bottles of paint for the hands. He was looking over the shelves, trying to decipher his mom's list, when Guinevere appeared over his shoulder. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, making him flinch away in surprise as she laughed happily. 

"Geez, Guin. You gave me a heart attack."

"You recovered quickly." She shrugged. "What are you doing here?" 

"Trying to figure out what my mom wants me to pick up." 

"How about," she started, twisting from side to side lightly with her hands behind her back in an innocent manner, "you come over and help me paint and I'll feed you?" 

"Sounds good to me." Scott agreed easily. 

"You know how to climb a roof, right?"

"Top five skills." Scott promised as they headed to check out. She nodded her approval and they headed back to Scott's house so he could ditch his bike before they headed to Guin's house. 

"What are your other four skills?" She asked him as they pulled out of his driveway and back onto the road. 

"Have you been wondering that the entire drive?" Scott asked with an amused smile. 

"It's not answering questions because you clearly suck at that." She sassed as she turned the corner. Scott laughed. 

"I haven't put much thought into it honestly."

"Well, tell me the things you're good at."

"You want me to brag to you?" 

"Yes. Come on." She nodded, glancing at him before looking back at the road. 

"Okay, okay. Um, I'm good at lacrosse."

"Agreed." She mumbled, taking another corner. 

"Running, playing guitar."

"You play guitar?" She whirled to look at him, wonderment written across her features. 

"Yeah. Electric."

"Are you in a band?" Scott laughed lightly. 

"No. I used to be but then we started high school and life got in my way."

"You still play though?"

"Yeah. At least once a week, more if I have the time or decide it's more important than Spanish homework."

"It's definitely more important than Spanish homework. I want to hear you play at some point." 

"Sure." Scott nodded, a smile taking over his mouth. 

"What's your last brag? I know number five is roof climbing." Scott chuckled.

"Uh, I can do a few flips." He admitted. 

"Seriously?" She seemed very excited by the revelation that he could do flips. "Like, back handsprings and round off and stuff?"

"Yeah, like that. Uh, I can do a back flip, a front flip, a round off, I'm sure there's more but I don't remember the names." 

"That's so cool!" She bounced in her seat a bit as they drove down her street. "I can't even do a cartwheel. Not for lack of trying though." She told him, pointing as she parked and unclicked her seat belt. He chuckled as he opened his door. 

"Noted. I'll try and teach you sometime."

"Sounds like a date." She agreed, smiling as she dug her house key from her purse and unlocked the front door. "What do you want to do first, dinner or painting?" 

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