Chapter 29: Fuck Buddy But We Also Sometimes Work Out

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"We're meeting at a gym." Guinevere said, staring at Jordan with a slight glare as he smiled down at her. 


"You're making me workout on our first date."


"Are you that desperate to see me half naked and sweaty?" Jordan grinned and Guinevere smiled as they turned towards the doors. 

"We're rock climbing." Jordan announced as he held the door opened for her. 

"It's your day off and you want to work out?" 

"Lydia tells me you like to work out." 

"Blab." Guinevere teased playfully as she leaned against the counter while Jordan checked in. 

"Also, you're on the soccer team."

"That I am. You come to watch any of my games?" 

"When I'm off. You're one hell of a player."

"That's what they all tell me." Guinevere said with a grin as she followed him into the gym. Jordan smiled over his shoulder as he led the way, stopping at another counter to grab gear and have Guinevere sign a form before they headed towards the wall. 

"Which wall do you want to do?" He asked as he tightened her straps, fingers brushing against her stomach as her shirt rode up a bit. 

"Um," Guinevere found it hard to concentrate with Jordan so close and his hands holding her hips so he could pull the rope tighter, "that one." She pointed to the only empty wall. 

"Are you sure? That one's kind of tough." 

"So am I." She stated, smiling at him as he looked up at her from where he was squatted in front of her. He smiled up at her before he straightened up, making her tilt her head back when he stood at his full height. 

"I don't doubt that." She made an amused noise as he pulled her by the front of her harness, making her lead with her pelvis. "Come, Guin." 

"Looking like that I don't think it'll be long." She said, eyeing his butt in his casual basketball shorts. Jordan looked over his shoulder, a brow raised in amusement with a small smile on his lips as he pulled her to stand a little in front of him.

"Behave." He said, speaking lowly in her ear. She smiled and arched her back a bit as his hand brushed against her slightly. 

"Yes, Officer." She teased as Jordan grabbed the clip for the rope. He gave her another look over his shoulder. 

"Do you want to spot each other or go at the same time?" He asked her holding two clips in his hand. 

"Are you a good climber?"


"Then we can spot each other." She told him. 

"You will spot me, right? Not just stare at my ass?" He teased. 

"No promises." She grinned as he clipped himself onto the rope, clipping the other end to Guinevere's harness. He gave her one more look before turning to the wall and grabbing two rocks, hoisting himself up. Guinevere smiled, shamelessly staring as Jordan climbed the wall using smooth and strong movements that made his triceps flex under his tank top. "I thought you said this wall was tough!" She called up to him. "You just climbed that in, like, forty-five seconds!" 

"Worried?" Jordan called back down in a teasing voice as he climbed the last few feet. 

"Ha! I eat walls like this for breakfast." Guinevere tightened her grip a bit as he got ready to propel down. 

"Crunchy." He said as he landed on the mat and turned to look at her, hands on his hips. Guinevere smiled and he unclipped her. "Your turn." She was clipped into the other rope and observed the wall in front of her. 

"I'm getting flash backs from elementary school. Oh the horror." She shuddered for effect and she could hear Jordan laugh from behind her. 

"Let's see it, Guin." He called. She huffed at him but reached up and grabbed two rocks to pull herself up with. It took her longer than Jordan but she was still pretty efficient and Jordan watched on with astonishment when she hardly used her legs at all. "You know there are foot holds too." He called to her as she reached the top. 

"Oh yeah!" She exclaimed. "Wait, I wanna do it again." Jordan laughed as she propelled down and shook out her arms. She laughed a bit too and looked at him. "Ready?" He nodded and she started to climb again, this time moving even faster and grinning the entire time. 

"Impressive." He complimented as she propelled back down. 

"Thank you. Third grade P.E. was helpful after all." Jordan laughed and Guinevere smiled as she caught her breath. They did two more walls and then Jordan took his shirt off and Guinevere felt personally attacked. He looked smug as he finished yet another challenging wall and Guinevere returned the look when she whipped her own shirt off so she was left in her sports bra, smiling when he struggled to unclip her from the rope, his fingers stumbling over the carabiner. "Issue?" She asked softly, sounding smug even to herself. Jordan looked up at her and let out a soft growl, making her inhale deeply in an effort to control herself. 

Five minutes later and all control went out the window as Jordan hoisted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. They stumbled into the family bathroom and Guinevere had her back pressed against the wall not even ten seconds later. Jordan is kissing her roughly, teeth biting at her bottom lip, and a shiver goes up her spine as she works her hands down his torso, towards his gym shorts. Then he moved his lips to her neck and all control of her hands went out of her mind as her eyes drifted closed and she let out a moan. She could feel him smirking against her neck and if she had .001% more control of herself, she would have done something just to spite him but as it was, she was putty in his very hot, very large hands. 

"As much as I love marks," she started, "keep them low, my dad has a gun." Jordan moved lower on her neck and nipped at the skin, making her moan loudly as she finished her sentence. She took a deep breath and her hands resumed their path to Jordan's gym shorts. She slipped a hand inside his waist band as he continued kissing her neck and she felt his breath hitch when she wrapped her fingers around him. This time it was her turn to smirk. 

Seven minutes later and Guinevere was standing on wobbly legs as Jordan smirked and pulled his shirt on. She whipped her shirt at him, getting his stomach. 

"Asshole." She teased. "This is your fault."

"I know." Jordan laughed. He pulled her into one more kiss before they left the bathroom, lips swollen and hair a mess. 

"Think they'll let you keep your membership?" Guinevere asked playfully as they walked out past the front desk and the secretary refused to make eye contact with either of them. 

"Worth it." Jordan grinned. 

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