Chapter 15: Things Almost Got Real There For A Second

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Saturday mornings in Beacon Hills were generally pretty quiet as everyone enjoyed sleeping in or doing whatever other boring, mundane tasks they saved for the weekends. That's why when Scott and Liam did their general perimeter check to ensure that there wasn't anything where it shouldn't be, it was only them in the woods. Then they found a dead body with wings in the woods and they booked it to the nearest pack member's house, who happened to be Lydia. Their pack meeting came to a screeching halt when Scott smelled Guinevere and Lydia pulled the door open.

"She's asleep upstairs so keep your voices down." Scott nodded as Liam looked at him with confusion.

"We probably shouldn't have a pack meeting here then." 

"Probably not but you guys can use the dining room to call everyone. I'll make breakfast." Lydia ushered them in. Scott and Liam called and texted the pack, formulating a plan as they spoke with everyone. Scott was talking with Stiles over the phone as Liam filled Lydia in on what was happening. They were talking in the dining room about who was where and doing what when Guinevere came down stairs and halted their conversation. When she went back upstairs to call her mom, Scott got a call from Stiles and Peter, who were examining the body. Long, rambling message short, they had a problem. A problem that could potentially include kidnapping and or possession. Specifically kidnapping or possessing Guinevere. 

"She's here, Stiles." Scott said when Stiles mentioned that the monster of the week was looking for a very specific 5'6", brown haired, gorgeous specimen of a human being. 


"She's at Lydia's house, she's here right now." 

"Don't let her leave. Have Lydia stay with her and you and Liam get your stupid werewolf asses out here. We have a serious, serious problem." 

"Which is?" 

"Peter just swallowed the angel ghost." Stiles said, making Scott hang up and wave Liam to his side as they headed for the front door. After making sure Lydia knew to stay inside and that Guinevere had to stay in too, the two sprinted for the woods. They had created code words to use around grown ups who weren't in on the whole gig, like most of the cops in Beacon Hills, and in case they were ever in a bad situation where they were being watched. Saying a phrase similar to "he's going nuts" meant whatever you do, stay inside. Scott had a feeling they were going to be creating more codes now that Guinevere was going to be around a lot. 

By the time they made it the body, Stiles was poking and prodding at Peter while giving the corpse a glance every now and then. 

"What do you mean Peter swallowed the angel ghost?"

"It's an angel?" Liam asked, looking at the body.

"No. Technically it's a fairy but angel had a nicer ring to it. And as for the Peter part of the equation, he's become the ghost host until either we do a whole exorcism or the ghost finds who it's actually supposed to be possessing."

"Stop calling me a ghost host, Stiles." Peter grumbled, looking annoyed not only at Stiles but like there was a persistent annoying background noise that wouldn't stop. 

"How are we supposed to know who it's going to try and possess?" Scott asked. Stiles nudged the corpse with his foot and the body rolled over, revealing a horrifyingly familiar face. If Scott hadn't just seen Guinevere at Lydia's he would have thought that she was the one laying dead on the forest floor in front of him, butterfly like wings sprouting from her back. 

"That's just creepy." Liam said, nose wrinkled at the sight. 

"Okay, so how do we do an exorcism?"

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