Chapter 28: Why Did The Golfer Bring Extra Pants? In Case He Got A Hole In One😂

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Malia had stayed up pretty late texting Guinevere Friday night and didn't wake up until noon the next day, showing up on Guinevere's door step at four in the afternoon to pull her out of her room and onto her motorcycle. Guinevere stopped complaining when she realized she got to sit right behind Malia with her arms around her waist. 

"If my grades take a dive because of this whole "constantly going out on dates" thing, I might not even be mad." Guinevere announced as they parked and Malia climbed off, pulling her helmet off. 

"I think your grades are safe. You're smart." Malia told her, taking the helmet from her and offering a hand to help her off. Guinevere blushed lightly. 

"Thank you." She took Malia's hand and slid off of the bike. 

"You're welcome." Malia said easily, putting the helmets away and leading the way into the park. Malia bought their passes as Guinevere stood by her side and looked around like a little kid. "Are you good at mini golf?" 

"I like to swing the club really hard."

"So regular golf then?" Guinevere laughed. 

"I hate regular golf with a burning passion. I have to be drunk or high on meds to actually tolerate it. But mini golf is fun because there's fun things to look at." Guinevere made direct eye contact with Malia as she said her last sentence, making the girl's eyes go wide as her cheeks flushed pink unconsciously and she blinked in slight surprise. 

"Uh, ready to go?" She asked, gathering her wits once more. Guinevere smiled happily and nodded. They grabbed the clubs from the stand and were given a ball each before they made their way to the first hole. 

"Am I about to get my butt beat in mini golf?" Guinevere asked as Malia let her go first, lining up her shot. 


"Figures." Guinevere said as she hit the ball, getting close to a hole in one but missing by an inch. "You're good at everything."

"Is that what you think?" Malia asked with a smile as she put her ball on the tee and got ready to hit. 

"I don't think it, I know it. I've seen you lift things that are ridiculously heavy, even for normal people, you can eat twenty-three marshmallows at once, and you're ridiculously good at any sport you try."

"That's all werewolf." Malia said as she took a shot, making a hole in one.

"Cheater." Guinevere teased as she walked across the little green to knock her ball in the rest of the way. 

"Hey!" Malia protested happily. "It's using my resources." Guinevere laughed as they made their way to the next hole. 

"Fair enough. But that means the likelihood of me doing something better than you is very low." 

"So," Malia started, her tone dropping a bit and making her sound almost seductive, "if I were to get you to fall in love with me," Guinevere smiled. 

"I wouldn't stand a chance." Malia smiled and Guinevere grinned down at her shoes as she lined up her shot. They continued laughing and teasing each other as they completed the golf course, Malia winning with 32 points and Guinevere close behind her with 93 points and three lost golf balls. "You cheated."

"How? You were with me the whole time."

"I don't know but you did!" Guinevere said as she handed her club over to the guy at the stand. Malia smiled and gave him her club as well, along with their balls. 

"I think you just suck, Guin." 

"Impossible." Guinevere dismissed, making Malia laugh as they headed back out to her bike. "The only logical explanation is that you cheated by-by-" she stammered as she struggled to find an explanation for Malia's "cheating", "by bribing gravity!" 

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