Chapter 17: Extraterrestrial Homosexual

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Guinevere woke up with a snort on Sunday morning because her phone was ringing. She blinked, eyes still half closed in the morning light and she pushed herself up, realizing she was laying on her stomach and on the floor. She could feel bodies by her legs and there was a pair of shins to the right of her face. She slowly army crawled a little further, grabbing her phone and answering as she struggled to her feet.

"Hello?" She whispered, voice still gravely with sleep. 

"Are you whispering because you have a boy in your room?" The person on the other end of the phone whispered back. 

"You're awake!" Guinevere said, now wide awake as she walked through the kitchen to the dining room so she wouldn't wake up Peter and Lydia. 

"I am!" She grinned happily as she sank into one of the chairs at the table. "I didn't know I had to get shot just for you to talk to me though, Hilt."

"I would have called on your birthday." She told Dallas, hearing him laugh on the other end. There was some shuffling on the other side and then a noise of pain. "Sorry, I'll tone down the comedy." She apologized. 

"Don't you dare. Everyone is being so depressing and mopey. It's like a funeral in here."

"Well, you did get shot, Dallas. That sounds about how people usually react."

"Yeah, well, I don't like people." 

"Is this you confirming my theory that Drayton is an alien and you married an extraterrestrial homosexual?" Dallas started laughing and Guinevere smiled in relief. 

"He's going to be pissed I revealed his identity." 

"You're a terrible secret keeper, Dallas." 

"I don't know how I got this job."

"A mystery for all of time." She nodded.

"How's California? Your dad won't give me any names so I assume there's boys." 

"California is good and yes, there are boys but they're all just friends. There's girls too but no one seems concerned about them."

"Should we be?" 

"Yes and no. Be an equal opportunist." She heard him snort and then wince. "How's the president?"

"Still alive thanks to me." 

"Take it easy there, hero." Guinevere heard Drayton on the other side, voice slightly muffled since the phone wasn't on speaker. 

"Shut up, Martian." Dallas shot back. 

"Be nice to the alien. It's probably difficult for him to understand human phrases."

"Stop encouraging him, Guin." Drayton called to her. 

"Shut up, Martian." Dallas laughed at her response and she smiled. "You don't understand what's happening here so butt out." 

"Don't make me go get your mom." 

"No, wait, I'm sorry." Guinevere immediately back tracked, making Dallas laugh and then groan.

"Guinevere?" Lydia's tired voice called. 

"In here." Guinevere said as she turned the phone away from her mouth, leaning in her chair so she could peek out of the door way and wave at the sleepy Lydia making her way through the kitchen.

"Guinevere McKenna Hilt," Dallas drawled, "do you have company?" 

"I'll call you more often if you don't tell my dad." 

"Brian!" Dallas yelled. 

"Fucking asshole!" Guinevere swore as she hung up quickly. 

"Everything okay?" Lydia asked, eyes wide in surprise at the loud cursing that ended Guinevere's phone call. 

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