Chapter 37: I Told You With Cake So You Can't Be Mad At Me.

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Thanksgiving break was hectic, lot's of plans being arranged and even more food being made, and Guinevere was spending the day before Turkey Day decorating a cake precariously while her mom was just down the hall, working on her latest article about kangaroo rats that she had thought of the perfect conclusion for while preparing the guest room for Dallas and Drayton, who were visiting for the holiday. Guinevere was mixing up some red frosting when her phone rang and she dug it out of her camo cargo pants to put it on speaker. 


"Hey. Can I come get your opinion on a dress for tonight? I'm doing dinner with my dad and Peter went hunting with Malia." Lydia's voice came over the speaker. 

"Of course. You can walk in." 

"Cool. Be there in the five." Lydia hung up and Guinevere smiled as she turned back to the counter where a big, blank, sheet cake was sat. She was folding icing into a piping bag and watching one of the SNL Thanksgiving episodes when Lydia walked in. "So, we're going to a candle light kind of place and I'm not sure what dress to wear because I hate my dad sometimes but also, I want to look like a queen so- what are you doing?" Lydia interrupted herself as she looked at the items spread out on top of the counter. 

"Decorating a cake."

"For what?"

"Coming out to my parents."

"What's it going to say?" Lydia asked in slight amusement and confusion. Guinevere rotated a notecard so Lydia could read it. "Seriously?" She asked with a smile after she had finished reading it.


"And they're going to believe you? Just like that?" 

"I'm having Liam over." Lydia laughed. 

"Fair enough. Ready to help me?" 

"Of course. Let me see my options." Guinevere said as she twisted the top of the piping bag. 

"Okay, we have subtle and season appropriate but is going great with my heels," Lydia said as she held up a long sleeved sweater dress that looked comfortable and would definitely look killer on Lydia. 

"Very nice, okay." 

"And then we have an overall dress to appeal to the fact that I'm still his daughter which always gets me whatever I want. Plus, I have new boots to wear with it." Lydia said as she held up a burnt orange colored short overall dress, holding it over her white long sleeve shirt she was wearing. 

"Both solid options, I mean, you're going to look fantastic in either." Lydia smiled. "But I think I'm vibing more with the overall dress." Lydia smiled.

"I was too. You're so good at this." She said as she carefully leaned over the counter to give Guinevere a kiss. 

"I learned from the best." Guinevere said, chasing after Lydia for another kiss. Lydia smiled as she pulled away again. 

"Can I use your room to change? I'm running short on time." 

"Of course." 

"Thank you, princess." Lydia grabbed her stuff and hurried for the stairs. Guinevere smiled and started decorating the cake, very carefully writing with the frosting. She was six words in when the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" She called to her mom as she dusted her hands off and headed for the door. Liam was standing on the other side and she smiled. "Hi Bean." She greeted cheerfully. 

"Hey Guin. Is that cake?"

"Not for you." She told him as he walked inside and she shut the door. "This is special cake."

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