Chapter 11: Sweating Like A Pig Actually, And Yourself?

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Guinevere had been a part of the co-ed soccer team for a week, thoroughly distracting Scott, Stiles and Isaac when she practiced in shorts and a sports bra, when she herself was distracted by someone yelling her name in the middle of practice. The name calling itself wasn't unusual, her name was frequently yelled during practices, it was who was yelling her name that was odd. 

"Yo, Hilt!" A deep voice yelled from across the field as an African American man walked onto the grass. Guinevere's head popped up from where she had been chasing the ball and a grin split across her face as she ran towards the man. 

"Biggy!" She said happily, throwing herself into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist as he caught her with a laugh. "What are you doing here?!" She asked as she pulled back so she could see his face, still being held up by his hands on the back of her thighs. 

"I moved in with my sister and her kids. What are you doing here?"

"I moved with my parents. Dad's FBI now." She squealed, hugging him again. "It's so good to see you!"

"It's so good to see you running." The man said as he hugged her back. "When did that happen?" 

"A few months ago. I'm on the soccer team!" She said loudly, full of excitement as the man finally put her back down on her own two feet.

"That's my girl! I knew you could do it." They high fived and Guinevere grinned, bouncing on her toes in  excitement. 

"Are you on leave?" 

"Nah. I was discharged a few months ago."

"What for?" 

"I got shot a few too many times for their taste." Guinevere punched him in the shoulder.

"You're stupid. I told you not to be a human shield." 

"I know, I know. When have I ever listened to you though, Tiny?" Guinevere beamed at the nickname. 

"Fair point. How did you know where I was?" 

"My auntie told me you guys were in the neighborhood and I found your ma's location on Facebook. Swung by and she told me you were here. We're having a cook out, by the way. She told me to tell you to invite your friends, who I will need to be meeting too." Guinevere rolled her eyes with a smile. 

"You're ridiculous, Biggy." She looked to the bleachers where Lydia, Malia and Erica were watching her and the boys alternatively. "But, if you want to hang around and watch me run some more, I can introduce you to a few of them now."

"You bet your ass I'm staying. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried." He said with a smile, throwing an arm over her shoulder as she grinned and headed towards the bleachers with him. 

"Tell me about it. I moved all the way to Washington just so you could go to Iraq and now we're both in California." The man laughed as Guinevere slid out from under his arm and took his hand to pull him up the stairs. "This is my friend Harper. He's decided to stay and watch me practice, is it okay if he sits with you guys? You can talk about how great I am." She smiled at the girls and was awarded with a grin from Lydia as she reached out a red fingered hand to pull him down next to her.

"Of course."

"Great. Harper, this is Lydia, Malia and Erica. Lydia, Malia, Erica, this is Harper." She hastily introduced, hugging him one more time before running back onto the field to rejoin her practice. She spent the rest of practice eagerly awaiting the end of practice, excited to see Harper and his sister for dinner while being surrounded by her friends. By the time Coach Linda dismissed them, she was sweaty and hot and had stripped out of her tank top, but she was radiating so much happiness that Scott, Isaac and Boyd could smell her from the other side of the field. 

"Boys!" She called as she jogged towards their half of the field. Isaac, Scott, Stiles and Boyd paused their cool down work out. "Are you guys free for dinner tonight? My parents are hosting a cook out apparently and they said I was supposed to invite you." 

"Gee, could you make it sound less inviting, Guin?" Stiles teased. 

"Isaac and I are free." Scott said, resuming his push ups. 

"Erica and I can make it." Boyd agreed. 

"Yeah, I'm in." Stiles agreed, giving up on push ups and laying face down on the field. 

"Great. Please take showers first." She teased. 

"Hey!" Stiles protested as she ran away laughing, heading towards the bleachers. She climbed up to the girls and promptly sat her self in Harper's lap, rubbing her sweat all over him playfully as he whined. 

"You're disgusting." 

"It's my best characteristic." She replied. "You guys coming to dinner?" She asked the girls as Harper slid an arm around her waist to keep her in place. Malia looked slightly murderous until Lydia nudged her. 

"Yeah. Harper already invited us. Did you ask the boys?" 

"Yep. Everyone's going home for showers first and then they'll come over."

"Thank god." Erica said, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the sweaty boys. Boyd stuck his tongue out at her and Guinevere smiled happily at the couple's interaction. 

"I need a shower myself so I'm going to head home. If I text you my address Lydia, can you get it to everyone?" Guinevere asked.

"Of course."

"You're the best. Did you drive yourself up here?" She asked Harper as she stood up and gathered her bags. 


"Walk out with me?"

"Of course."

"See you guys soon!" Guinevere said happily as she made her way down the bleachers with Harper. 

"See ya'!" Lydia and Erica called. 

"Riley is coming too, right?" She asked Harper as they headed towards the parking lot. 

"She's already helping your ma with the food. She has Claire and Hakeem with her too."

"Claire was only a baby the last time I saw her!" Guinevere recalled the screaming and wailing bundle that she had looked at while Harper's sister held the blankets and smiled at her proudly. 

"I know. She's a whole kid now, twelve years old and set on being a heart surgeon." 

"She's got goals." 

"She's started practicing sutures on the fruit." Guinevere laughed as Harper tossed his arm over her shoulders. "Hakeem is only six months old but he thinks everything you do is hilarious." 

"Maybe he just thinks you're funny looking." Guinevere teased as she nudged him with her shoulder. 

"Oh, really?" Harper asked with a fake surprised look on his face. Guinevere laughed as she pulled the backseat car door open and tossed her bags inside. 

"Are you just following me home?"

"Not if I beat you there." Harper said with a smile, twirling his keys on his fingers. 

"You're on, super soldier." She smiled, climbing into the driver's seat as Harper smiled at her. 

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