Chapter 26: We Only Use Bad Words When Talking About Biggy

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Are you free tomorrow?

What kind of prostitute do you take me for Derek Hale? I'm not free, I'm actually very expensive.

But no, I don't have any plans.

Want to make some?

Sure. What's the plan? Where are we going? What are you wearing? 😉

Whatever you want to do. 

How about you pick something and then I'll pick something?

You're just indecisive aren't you?


Fine. I'll bite. How about we start with coffee?

I like the way you think Derek Hale. After coffee, how do you feel about roller skates?

I'm six one. How do you think I feel about roller skates?

Fair point. How about we decide tomorrow?

You're so indecisive. 

I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. 8?

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. 

Yeah, 8 sounds good.

Seven thirty the next morning found Harper Anderson sneaking into Guinevere's room with a baby in his arms and a grinning eight year old following behind him. The unsuspecting Guinevere was still buried under her blankets, sleeping peacefully as she waited for her alarm to wake her up for her day with Derek. Harper positioned himself towards the end of Guinevere's bed as Claire took the side, winking at his niece as she grinned and got into position. Holding up his fingers, he counted down from three. On one, the room exploded into noise as Claire, Harper, and even Hakeem, jumped onto Guinevere, yelling good morning and telling her to get up. 

"What the fuck?!" Guinevere cursed loudly as she was jostled awake, people moving on her bed and screaming the time at her. 

"Hey!" A familiar voice called over all the noise, everyone settling down as Claire and Hakeem both laughed, Harper grinning happily as he looked at Guinevere smugly. "Watch your language here Tiny. We've got kids in the room."

"Only use bad words when talking about Biggy." Guinevere said as she rubbed her eyes, blinking blearily at Claire as the girl laughed, her uncle pinching her arm playfully. 

"Don't be teaching them your bad habits now." 

"They're not bad habits. They're conscious efforts." Guinevere said, a tired smile on her face as she closed her eyes once more. 

"Well whatever they are, don't teach them to Riley's kids. She'll blame me." Harper said as he found his way off the bed, settling Hakeem by Guinevere's arm. "I have to go and your dad is still in the shower so you're in charge of them until he's done."

"Wait, what?" Guinevere asked, slightly more awake. 

"Bye, little mama! Watch yourself!" Harper called as he headed downstairs. 

"No, Biggy, wait!" Guinevere called, sitting up and carefully holding Hakeem. "I can't do this right now!" 

"Bye, Tiny!" Harper yelled before the door shut, making Guinevere groan. 

"Asshole." She grumbled, glancing at Claire and raising her brow at her. 

"Only when talking about Harper." Claire repeated, making Guinevere nod and give her a high five.

"Right on." She looked down at the wiggling baby in her arms. "Is my dad supposed to be watching you guys today?" 

"Yeah. He told Harper to bring us up here though." 

"Well I have to leave in a half hour so he better hurry it up." Guinevere said as she caught sight of the time on her alarm clock. "Have you guys already had breakfast?" 

"Yeah. Momma fed Hakeem before she left and there's bottles in the fridge."

"What about you?"

"Harper made me waffles." Guinevere wrinkled her nose at the mention of Harper cooking. The man managed to burn scrambled eggs. 

"Let's get you something to eat." Guinevere said as she picked Hakeem up properly and threw her legs over the side of the bed. The group headed down to the kitchen and Guinevere put Claire on the couch, giving her free reign over Netflix as she played with Hakeem and made a quick omelet for Claire. She heard the intro to Grey's Anatomy play in the living room and she grinned. Plating up Claire's food, she walked into the living room and watched the TV as she gave Claire the dish. "You have good taste in TV shows."

"I know." Claire said as she smiled, Guinevere laughing as she stood behind the couch and watched the screen for a few more minutes while Claire ate. 

"Good morning, sweetheart." Her dad greeted cheerfully as he kissed the top of her head. 

"Good morning. I believe this is yours." She gently passed him Hakeem and then took off for the stairs. 

"Slow your roll!" He called after her, making her roll her eyes. 

"You better not have used all the hot water!" She yelled back. After the fastest shower she had ever taken, Guinevere pulled on some leggings and a graphic t-shirt that had bees on it and she was prepared for her day with Derek. She was hopping around the front entrance, tugging on her Vans, when the doorbell rang. "Bye! I'll be back when I'm back!" She called as she hopped to the front door, finally getting her shoe on and grabbing her phone from the front table before slipping outside, hearing a shouted good bye from her dad. 

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