Chapter 25: A Theater To Ourselves? Whatever Shall We Do?

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Guinevere was in the library during her free period, completely absorbed in the book they were reading in her English class, when a piece of paper hit her and landed on her open book. She looked around the library in confusion but her eyes landed on a smiling Isaac three tables away and she felt her own lips tug up in an answering smile. Bookmarking her page, she opened the crumpled piece of paper and found Isaac's handwriting scrawled across the page. 

I think you're really cute. Do you want to go out with me tonight?

She couldn't help the grin that stretched across her face as she dug around in her bag for a pen to reply. 

You're not so bad yourself. Of course I'll go out with you.

She tossed the paper back at him and returned to her reading. Glancing over the top of her page, she saw him grinning down at the note and that made her grin in turn. She looked back at her reading once more and a few seconds later, the note made its way to her table once more. 

I'll pick you up at 11.

Eleven was an unusual time but it sent a thrill through Guinevere none the less. She looked up to smile at Isaac but he was gone, no where to be seen. Disappearing without a sound seemed to be something the werewolves were good at. Looking around the library, she didn't see him anywhere and she smiled as she slid the note into her book bag, shaking her head as she picked up her book again. 

Eleven o'clock found Guinevere sitting on her kitchen counter in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt under her denim jacket as she talked to her dad's coworkers. He had invited them over for a team bonding night after a particularly hard day and made them dinner while they were loud and rowdy in the living room, amusing Guinevere immensely. The doorbell rang at 11 and Guinevere practically flew off the counter. 

"I've got it!" She called as she hurried to the door, swiping her house keys from the table. "Love you, dad! Bye!" She yelled as she tried to make a hasty exit, opening the door enough for her to slide out.

"Hold it!" Her dad bellowed, making the house quiet down as he looked at her from behind the stove top. "Open that door all the way." She sighed and looked at an amused Isaac on her door step. 

"I don't know what's going to happen so here's a blanket apology." She apologized as she pulled the door open wider. 

"Hello, Mr. H." Isaac called with a smile, hands in his pockets as he nodded to her dad. 

"Hi, Isaac." Guinevere's dad said, looking a little skeptical but rather calm for it being 11 o'clock on a Friday night and she was about to go on a date. "Have her home by four a.m." 

"Yes, sir." He nodded his agreement and Guinevere looked at her dad with surprise. 

"Have fun." He told her before turning his attention back to the food he was cooking. 

"Thanks. Bye." She waved to the living room full of FBI agents and blew her dad a kiss before she stepped outside with Isaac.

"Is there a crime scene in your house I should know about?" Isaac teased as he walked down the driveway to the small silver car parked in on the curb since the government issued SUVs were taking up the place in the driveway. 

"Give it another hour and I'm sure there will be." Guinevere said, smiling as Isaac opened her door for her. "Gracias." 

"Denada." Isaac winked at her before jogging around to the driver's side. 

"My dad invited his team over for dinner. Rough day." She said once he was in the car. 

"We do that with Scott sometimes. Melissa isn't very happy about the mess we make in the kitchen." Guinevere laughed as Isaac smiled and buckled his seat belt, starting up the car. 

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