Chapter 23: What Do We Do? Prance Like Bambi?

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Saturday morning, Lydia showed up at Guinevere's house with coffee and an outfit that resembled a video game character. Guinevere was squinting in the morning light, one hand on the door and the other hanging by her side as she stood in the open doorway in her pajamas and with her hair sticking up messily. 

"Get dressed, beautiful. We're going on a date." The ginger smiled cheerfully, holding out a coffee cup to Guinevere. A slow and tired smile stretched over Guinevere's face as she grabbed the coffee cup and turned around, letting Lydia bounce happily into the house in her wake. Guinevere walked towards the stairs as her dad walked out of the back hall and into the open space. 

"Good morning, sweetheart. Lydia." He nodded at the red head, kissing the top of his daughter's head as he walked towards the kitchen for the coffee pot. 

"Good morning, Mr. H." Lydia greeted brightly. 

"I got called in this morning so I probably won't be home until late." Guinevere gave her dad a thumbs up as she climbed the stairs, coffee cup raised to her lips. As soon as Guinevere was upstairs, he leaned over the counter and closer to Lydia. "How did you get her up so early?" 

"I sent her a text that promised coffee if she opened the door when I got here." Lydia replied, leaning close too. Her dad nodded, holding out his fist for a fist bump of respect. "What's it like working for the FBI, Mr. H?" Lydia asked after a minute while he poured himself a travel mug of coffee. Guinevere's dad sighed. 

"Do you want to know why I got called in today, Miss Martin?" He asked as he took a drink from his mug. 

"Sure." Lydia shrugged. 

"My team decided to wear remote controlled vibrators today and give each other the remotes. Now there's a situation I have to handle because my boss keeps moaning in the middle of his sentences and is three remote controls away from having sex in the conference room with one of his subordinates." Lydia's lips twisted in a way that showed she was trying to bite her tongue as she smiled. 

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked. He looked at her for a second. 

"You're going to ask if I'm going to wear a vibrator, aren't you?" 

"It seems required today." She bit back a smile. He nodded in agreement and raised his mug to his lips again before he answered. 

"Don't tell my wife." He finally said as he moved around the counter towards the front door. Lydia laughed lightly. 

"Your secret is safe with me."

"No fraternizing with the enemy!" He called as he opened the door. 

"There won't be any boys, Mr. H!" Lydia promised as he left. 

"That's what I like to hear." He flashed her a smile. "Bye Guin!"

"Bye!" Guinevere yelled back as he left, coming down the stairs a few seconds later in a pair of shorts and a cropped t-shirt, outfit similar to Lydia's. "So where are we going, gorgeous?" She asked as she finished tying her hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a pair of socks from the dryer. 

"Hiking and then brunch." Lydia said brightly. Guinevere couldn't help the grin that took over her face at the mention of hiking. Lydia had noticed her obsession with activity and planned an entire date based on that. That was soulmate material right there. 

"That sounds amazing." Guinevere told her honestly, pulling on a pair of tennis shoes. 

"Glad you like it. Peter likes the same thing except he likes to run the trails instead of walk. I usually just meet him for brunch." Guinevere laughed lightly. She knew Lydia had taken a risk mentioning Peter and the wanted to show it was okay. She wasn't going to regulate what they could and couldn't talk about just because sometimes it made her head spin. 

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