Chapter 21: Like The Plague

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Monday morning, Guinevere got a ride to school with Lydia after she grabbed her school bag from her house the night before and spent the day trying to avoid the pack in the least unpolite way as possible. It was difficult seeing as how she had all but one class with at least one of them. She kept her head down and spent P.E. running laps so she didn't have to pretend like nothing was happening with Scott and Isaac. She texted her dad in the middle of her math class and by the time the bell rang, he was waiting in the parking lot. She was juggling her books and trying to pull open her locker when a tan arm slid into her peripheral and she took a step back, sighing as she let Scott open her locker for her. 

"Thank you." She said softly. 

"Anytime." Scott replied, making sure she met his gaze before he smiled at her gently and walked off to his last class. She let out a groan once he was halfway down the hall and leaned forwards so her head was resting on the locker next to her. She had stayed up most of the night thinking about everything that she had been told that day and then, after she had had three silent mental breakdowns so she didn't wake Lydia, Jackson or Ethan, she finally got some sleep and decided it could wait till tomorrow. School was hell, her life had been completely flipped upside down, and she decided she would blame all of that for why she decided to skip soccer practice that day. After packing up her stuff, she headed for the front doors and literally crashed right into Isaac. 

"Shit. I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going-" She looked up to see the familiar blond and she stuttered. 

"Be more careful." Isaac teased as he pulled her to her feet. She huffed an amused laugh and he smiled at her before giving her hand a squeeze and walking away. She put her bag back on her shoulder and headed outside. Her dad was leaning against the side of the car and as soon as she saw him, it was like her world stopped spinning out of control. She felt grounded. Her head tipped back and she let out a long sigh of relief as she walked towards him, hugging him tightly as soon as he was in reach. 

"Hey, kid." He said, caught off guard by the tight squeezing. "Everything alright?"

"It is now. How was Washington?" She asked as they climbed into the car. 

"It sucked. Dallas got shot, Guinevere."

"Dallas is still alive, Brian." Guinevere shot back, mocking her dad as she buckled her seat belt. 

"Yeah, yeah. So he kept reminding me." Her dad said, smiling a little as he took a turn. "How was staying at Lydia's?" 

"It was normal. We had a spa night, watched movies all day, ate too much." 

"You better not have had any boys over." The breaking of the window replayed in Guinevere's mind. 

"Nope. Just us, all weekend." 

"Good." Her dad gave her a suspicious look. "No soccer today?" 

"There was but I don't think I can do it today."

"You feeling alright?" Her dad jumped on her immediately, glancing at her in concern as they turned down their street. 

"I'm fine. I just learned some interesting stuff and it's kind of been frazzling my brain for the last few days." 

"Anything I could help with?" Guinevere could briefly picture her dad filling her new friends -and apparent soulmates- full of bullets and the thought made her smile for a brief moment before reality sunk in again and she sighed. 

"No. I've got it." 

"Why don't we order in for dinner tonight?" Her dad suggested as he put the car in park after pulling into their driveway. "We can watch Magic Mike and eat Chinese." Guinevere smiled. 

"Sounds good." 

"I have some office stuff to do before dinner but I'll be back by six, okay?" He asked as she unbuckled and grabbed her back pack. 

"Yeah. I'm just going to do my homework and maybe call Biggy." 

"Alright. Don't do anything your mother wouldn't do." He called to her as she headed for the front door. She waved him away and walked inside the house, dropping her bag by the door and toeing off her shoes. Her homework could wait until tomorrow night. She sighed as she ran her hands over her face and headed for the stairs. She wanted a shower in her own house and maybe a nap before she even dealt with thinking about the whole werewolf thing, which she hadn't really stopped thinking about since she had learned about it. And apparently, her shower wasn't when she would stop either, instead the thoughts flooding her mind as the water soothed the aches in her muscles from sleeping so tightly (anytime she stayed the night at someone else's house, she slept as curled up as possible, she always had). 

What was she supposed to do with the knowledge that her new friends were mostly supernatural creatures, insanely hot, and all mated to her? If the language wasn't confusing enough, the fact that they had glowing eyes and body parts that grew when needed definitely was. She refrained from banging her head against the shower wall and she finished rinsing her hair before she climbed out of the shower. She needed to come up with a solution to process this and she needed to come up with it quickly or else she might just lose her mind. Changing into fluffy pajama bottoms that were way too big for her and she had to pull up to her hips so she didn't walk on them and a tank top, she grabbed her phone from her desk and looked through her contacts as she laid on her bed. Her finger hovered over Biggy but she couldn't tell him about her current issues. There was no way this was her secret to tell anyways. She scrolled down a bit and as her gaze landed on Erica's name, her brain came up with the perfect solution to her problem.

TO: Erica
Hey, where is everyone right now?

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