Chapter 16: How Would She Know? She's Not Going To Know.

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Guinevere and Lydia had watched Legally Blonde, Cheaper By The Dozen, Pirates of the Caribbean and Notting Hill by the time Guinevere got an update on Dallas from her mom. Her phone vibrated as the credits rolled and she pulled her phone from where it was being smushed under her stomach and she saw a notification from her mom. She scrambled into a sitting position and hurriedly unlocked her phone.  

He's out of surgery and stable, we're just waiting for him to wake up and I promise to make him call you but it might not happen until tomorrow. Love you honey.

"Everything okay?" Lydia asked, taking another Ibuprofen for her headache that had started when Scott and Liam had left. 

"Yeah. He's out of surgery and my mom has promised to make him call me when he's awake." Guinevere nodded, letting out a breath of relief as she calmed herself. "How's your head?" 

"It's more of a dull ache now. Another movie or something different?" Lydia asked as she picked up the remote. 

"Whatever you want to do. I'm down for either." Guinevere told her as she put her phone back down. 

"Why don't we make some lunch and then we can watch something else?" Lydia suggested. 

"Sounds good."

"You'll beg to differ when you taste my food." Lydia said with a smile as they pulled themselves off the couch and into the kitchen. Guinevere laughed and trailed behind her. "Alright, what do you want to eat?" 

"What kind of fruit do you have?" 

"It looks like we have some apples, and a few browning bananas." 

"Let's make some banana bread." 

"Lead the way." Lydia motioned to the counter where the bananas sitting on the counter and Guinevere smiled as she pulled her hair up and washed her hands. 

"Have you ever made banana bread before?"

"When I was really little. My grandma used to make it every Saturday morning and sometimes I would help." Lydia answered as she pulled out a bread pan. There was a knock at the door and both girls looked over. "I'll get it. You stay here." Lydia gave her a smile as she walked out to the entry way but her eyes flashed with fear before the usual kindness settled in. Guinevere held very still, trying to listen and make sure everything was okay. Lydia stood on her tip toes to look out the peep hole and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Peter on the other side. She pulled the door open and he stepped inside, kissing her directly on the lips like he hadn't seen her in months. "Are you okay? Is everyone alright?" She asked when he pulled back. 

"Fine. Everyone is fine. I don't recommend getting possessed though." He said as he slid his arms around her in a hug. 

"Stiles could have told you that." She replied, hugging him back. "What do you need?" She asked him, trying to figure out how to get him to be calm and collected. 

"You." He mumbled, stubble scratching her skin lightly. 

"We can do that. Are you hungry? Guinevere and I are about to make some banana bread." 

"Yeah, that sounds good." Peter said as he pulled back, keeping a hand on her as he followed her into the kitchen. 

"Guin, this is my boyfriend Peter. Peter, Guin." Lydia introduced, reaching around and taking his hand in hers, entwining their fingers together.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Guinevere smiled brightly at him, trying to be more positive now that she knew Dallas was going to be okay. Peter nodded at her. 

"He's had a rough day." Lydia said as an explanation. 

"That seems to be the running theme of today." Guinevere noted as she began looking through the cabinets for the ingredients she would need. "Do you want to wallow in it or do you want to try and improve your mood?" She asked Peter as she looked over her shoulder, cabinets open in front of her. 

"Amuse me." He said, looking curious at what the girl in front of him would do.

"I don't think that could have sounded creepier and more MOB boss if you tried but your wish is my command, Peter. I myself am feeling a little down today so it's going to be interesting pulling myself out of this." Lydia smiled as Guinevere rambled on, pulling out different measuring utensils and ingredients as she found them. Peter watched the way Lydia watched Guinevere, noting the scent of adoration coming from the girl in his lap and how Guinevere responded with the same scent when Lydia said something to make her laugh. "Have you ever made banana bread, Peter?" 

"No, I can't say that I have." He replied, pulling himself from his thoughts. 

"Well, basically, you take a whole bunch of about to be mush bananas," she lifted the browning bunch carefully as an example, "and then you do turn them into mush." Lydia laughed lightly as Peter arched a brow in intrigue. "Also, you add a whole bunch of other things like flour and sugar but mostly mushed bananas. Personally, I like mine with chocolate chips in it but not everyone does, and it doesn't have to be chocolate chips, it can be different fruit or whatever you want really because who's going to tell us no?" She asked as she found some bowls and added them to the collection of things growing on the counter. "Before you get your hands dirty though, you have to blast some tunes." She revealed, dusting her hands off and searching the counter for her phone. "That's the rule before anything, by the way. Fighting included." Peter smiled at that. "Where did I leave my phone?" 

"On the couch." Lydia reminded her. 

"Right." Guinevere snapped her fingers. "I'll be right back." She jogged out to the living room and came back with her phone in hand, scrolling through her playlists to try and find one that would fit the mood. "I'm going to give this to you," she slid her phone over to Lydia as she looked at the counter, "and you're going to pick a playlist to suit the mood because I don't know what you vibe with." Peter looked over Lydia's shoulder at the phone screen in her hands as she scrolled through Guinevere's Spotify. 

"These are some clever titles." Lydia said with a smile. 

"It's something I pride myself on." Guinevere replied, smiling as she measured out some of the ingredients. Lydia opened a playlist and Hedley started playing, making Guinevere smile. "Good choice. Now I could explain all of the science and logistics that go into it but I'm not gonna, so I'm just going to tell you straight up that when you dance, it releases serotonin in your brain and makes you feel better. So dance." She grinned at them, hips swaying as she turned and walked towards the sink. Lydia was already smiling but Peter seemed a little harder to convince. "I'll even stay facing this way so you guys can do some dirty dancing." Lydia laughed and Peter smiled a bit. 

"Come on, Peter." She slid off his lap and turned so she was facing him, offering her hand. "Dance with me." And how could Peter say no to her? He sighed and stood up, sliding his hand into Lydia's and letting her pull him away from the counter. They were dancing in the kitchen, jumping around and moving their hips to the beat of the Group Love song that was blaring as they laughed and smiled when Stiles found them. 

"Stiles!" Guinevere said enthusiastically, the first to spot him standing in the doorway with a look of amusement on his face. "Come dance with us!" 

"Oh, no. I'm not much of a-"

"Come on!" She said again, pulling him into the kitchen to jump around with her. Stiles was all uncoordinated limbs and flailing hands but he seemed to be enjoying himself after a while and Guinevere grinned at him. 

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