Chapter 35: The Ins and Outs of Third Wheeling A Couple And Their Friend.

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"We're sad." Liam announced as he popped up next to Guinevere, startling her briefly. 

"About what?" She asked with a smile. 

"You dating everyone but us." Mason said, popping up on her other side. 

"It makes us sad." Corey said, nodding his head as he appeared behind her. 

"Well I don't want you guys to be sad." Guinevere said, pouting a bit and playing along. "What do you propose we do about it?" 

"Go to a concert." Liam said, perking up instantly. 

"A concert? Who's playing?" She asked, suddenly suspicious as the mood changed. 

 "Some band Corey likes. There's going to be food though so I'm in." Liam said. 

"Heroes of Genesis." Corey corrected. 

"They do a lot of Greek mythology themed songs but they're really cool, I promise." Mason assured. 

"Sure." Guinevere agreed. "A concert sounds fun. When and where?" 

"Eight O'clock on Tuesday at the Pineapple Troubadour?"

"It's a date boys." Guinevere said cheerfully as she pushed the last of her things into her locker and turned to look at them all. They were grinning cheerfully and high fiving each other. Guinevere shook her head with a smile. "You're going to be late. Go to class." She told them, breaking through the little circle to head towards her own class. 



"We should go." They all split up, heading to class, and making Guinevere laugh. She got a notification during her math class and she saw she had been added to a group chat with the three boys. She had only been added a few seconds ago and yet chaos had already erupted. 

Who's driving?

I don't have my license.

I don't have the car that night.

Maybe if you didn't have severe road rage, you would

Well if the other people on the road weren't FUCKING MORONS then maybe I wouldn't have road rage

Corey check your messages

Are you guys sexting in the middle of biology class? Ew

Why don't you mind your own business?

So who's driving?

I can drive, oh my god

Awwww thanks G

You a real one 


Guinevere was excited for Tuesday to say the least and she babbled about it to her soulmates all week, listening to a few songs from Heroes of Genesis so she could get a feel for what she walking into and then forcing the pack to listen to them too when she liked a couple. Tuesday night, she left her house at seven thirty to pick up the trio from Mason's house. 
"I'm heading to pick up Liam, Mason and Corey." She told her parents as she bounced down the stairs in her shorts and long sleeved shirt, denim jacket in one hand and keys in the other. 

"What concert is it again?" Her dad asked as he pulled a carton of milk from the fridge to pass to her mom. 

"Heroes of Genesis. At the Pineapple Troubadour down on the beach." 

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