Chapter 7: Get In Loser, We're Going Shopping

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Guinevere could hear voices but she couldn't see anything. The voices sounded muffled too and it clicked it in her sleep fogged brain that her parents must be back. Prying her eyes open against her own will, she found herself slouched against Scott's side, his arm thrown over her shoulders and draped down her side as he slept next to her. 

"Shit." She mumbled sleepily. "Scott," she prodded his cheek as gently as her lack off depth perception would allow. He didn't wake up. "Scott." She hissed again, he inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering open as he woke up. "My parents are home, you have to go upstairs." He nodded and sleepily pulled his arm from around her. There was laughter from outside and Guinevere stumbled to her feet, pulling at Scott to get him off the couch. He groggily stood up and Guinevere shoved him towards the stairs as she glanced at the door. She looked back to the Scott only to see air where he had been.

"Hey, sweetie." Her mom said as they walked inside. "Did we wake you?" She asked, putting her keys down on the table by the door and shrugging her jacket off. 

"Uh, yeah. It's no big deal. Guess I was just a little more tired from painting than I thought." She said, stretching for effect. "I think I'm going to call it a night." She said, like an expert actress, as she turned the TV off and headed towards the stairs. 

"Good night, honey." Her mom called, heading to the kitchen to put their leftovers in the fridge. 

"Night, Guin." Her dad called. 

"Good night!" She replied half heartedly as she pounded up the stairs and out of their sight. Scott was in her bedroom, moving stealthily as he stepped around the wet paint spots on the tarps. "I'm so sorry. I thought we would be conscious, and up here, by the time they got back." Scott raised a sleepy eyebrow at that and she sighed, hitting him lightly. "Not like that. Stop it." He smiled and she huffed a laugh pathetically. "Thank you for helping me paint my room."

"No problem." 

"Nope. You have to say 'your welcome'." She told him, shaking her head defiantly. 

"Your welcome?" It sounded like a question and he looked confused but he did as she said and got a nod in response. 

"Good. Now use your top five skills to crawl out my window." She shooed him away and he smiled as he headed for the window, lifting the screen and glass seamlessly. He had one foot out the window when he turned back to look at her one more time. 

"Good night, Guin." She smiled at the unexpected nicety. 

"Good night, Scott." She replied. He gave her one more smile and then just like that, he was gone, dropping down to the grass silently and disappearing from view. Guinevere still had an involuntary smile on her face as she shut her window and turned back to face her room. Despite her tired and aching body, she couldn't sleep with her bed in the middle of her room so she took the tarp off and pushed it against the far left corner for the night. She stripped out of her jeans and bra before she turned her light off and collapsed onto the mattress, falling asleep pretty much instantly. 

"Guinevere McKenna Hilt!" Her mom yelled, waking her up at whatever ungodly hour it was on this fine Saturday. "Breakfast is required today!" She groaned and turned her face into her pillow before pulling herself out of her bed. She grabbed the first pair of pants she could get her hands on from her closet and headed down the stairs, slowly so her sluggish mind didn't catapult her down the rest of the way. 

"It is way too early to be eating." She grumbled as she slid into a chair at the dining room table, her dad eating his food while pretending to read the paper. 

"I don't care. I'm planning on working or unpacking most of the day so this is when I get to see the both of you."

"Isn't dad off today?" Guinevere asked as a plate of waffles with strawberries and bananas on the side was placed in front of her.

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