Chapter 12

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" I know they like to beat ya down a lot
When you come around the block brothas clown a lot, But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up
And when he tells you you ain't nuttin' don't believe him, And if he can't learn to love you, you should leave him" I rapped as I drove.

I went to go rap the next verse as my phone started ringing stopping the music. I groaned until I saw the name pop on my screen. I hit the green button and her face connected.

" Hey beautiful" i said with a smile.

" Hey.. Where'd you go" she asked.

" Well I left a bit earlier so I can spend time with my mom and Grandma" i said.

" Why didn't you wake me up I would've went with you" she said pouting.

" Because I decided to let you sleep after yesterday's events" i said with a smirk.

" Hush I didn't know you were that skilled" she said playfully rolling her eyes.

" Give your eyes a break women" I chuckled.

she laughed" but where are you going now?" She asked.

" Too the store they sent me to go get some stuff they need for dinner" i said.

" Well I want to come to your moms so do you think you can swing by and get me" she asked with puppy eyes.

" Actually yeah I can because my mom was asking about you and was upset I didn't ask if you wanted to come.. Is your boyfriend okay with you coming" I teased.

" Y/n don't you start about Jason anyways I'm gonna go get dressed and stuff how long will it take for you to get to me" he asked.

" Maybe twenty minutes there's traffic on the highway" I groaned out coming to a stop.

" Good that gives me time to look my best" she said with a smile. " Okay gotta bye" she blew a kiss then hung up on me.

" As if you don't already look good enough" i said as my music started back up.

" 'Cause sista you don't need him, And I ain't tryin' to gas ya up, I just call 'em how I see 'em" i rapped.

Time Skip

" Mom I'm back and I brought a stranger with me" i yelled as I walked in the house.

Normani hit me in the arm and shut the door. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen with her behind me.

" Y/n stop all that yel- Normani" my mother smiled and walked over to hug her.

" The difference in greeting" i said rolling my eyes.

I sat the bags down and walked out the kitchen. I walked over and sat down on the couch. I pulled out my phone and went on social media. I was still trending and a lot of artist and celebrities have made a comment about what I did. At the end of the day I would do it again so I really don't care. I saw a few pictures and edits that my fans made I liked and reposted/retweeted a few.

I felt a presence behind me.

" Yes Normani" I said without turning around.

" That's not fair how'd you know" she said snaking her arms around me.

" Because I can see you in the reflection of my phone first off" I chuckled.

" I'm slow" she laughed.

" Very" I chuckled again.

I felt eyes so I looked to my left and saw my mom smiling at us. She knows I swore to never be like this again but some things happen. She walked back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

" You always smell so good" Normani mumbled into my neck.

" Well I mean I hope I do but thank you"

" it's true your smell is intoxicating" she said lightly kissing my neck.

I closed my eyes and relaxed a bit more.

" You tired" normani whispered.

I just hummed in response.

" Go ahead and take a nap.. I told your mom I would keep her company while she was in the kitchen" she said pulling away from me.

" Okay" I mumbled laying across the the couch. I felt her touch my face and heard her footsteps go toward the kitchen.

I got comfortable and sighed.

" hmm maybe this whole dating thing wouldn't be to bad to give a shot instead of just vibing with her" i mumbled before drifting to sleep.

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