Chapter 13

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" Now who here is single"

All the girls raised there hand but Lauren and normani raised at put it down.

" Now we know Lauren and Ty are together but Normani your answer is giving me yes and no so explain"

" Well Um it's like I'm talking to someone kind of but we aren't officially" she explained.

" Is this someone happen to be y/n y/l/n" the interviewer asked.

" No we're just friends" she said calmly.

" Now she know she fuckin lyin" i mumbled putting the blunt in my hand out.

" Oooh just friends" kyrie said.

" Nigga hush and watch it" i said still looking at the screen.

" you guys look more than friends are you sure it's all a friendly matter?"

" Positive and plus she don't do relationships remember" she said.

" man I know we agreed on keeping it on the low until we actually started dating but damn ion like hearing that we just friends shit" I said turning the Tv off.

" Well that's your fault you wouldn't have to if you weren't all I don't do relationships with yo ugly ass" he said.

" Nigga fuck you" i said chuckling.

" Nahh I'm good your 'friend' might want to tho" he said.

I picked up the closest thing to me and threw it at him which was my notebook.

" Ahh" he yelled dramatically as it hit him.

" Dramatic ass" i said getting up and going to the kitchen.

I pulled out some fruit and started eating it. Kyrie yelled and said his girl tripping so he had to go so I was left here. After a few minutes my phone started ringing. I pulled out my pocket to see normani FaceTiming me. I accepted it and propped the phone up as she connected. Her face popped up and she smiled.

" Hi" she said happily.

" Hey friend" i said popping a piece of fruit in my mouth.

She furrowed her eyebrows and she rolled them.

" I know your not mad at me cause of that... y/n I had to tell them that your the one that wanted to-"

" Normani I know I was joking chill" i said chuckling.

" Don't do that you didn't even show me a smile since you answered the phone I really thought you were mad" she said sighing.

" Nope but how was your day beautiful" i said as I put the top on it and put it back in the fridge.

" Tiring but I get to see some fans today at the meet&greet so I'm happy about that" she said smiling.

" Damn I was kinda hoping to see you today because I haven't seen you since Houston" i said grabbing a water out the fridge.

" well I don't leave for a good four hours just about you still can" she said with a hopeful smile.

" Okay I'll see you soon then" I said with a smile than hung up.

I walked up stairs and grabbed my charger and keys then made sure everything was good and locked before I left.

I pulled up to the girls house and knocked on the door. I heard a thud on the other end and the door swung open to a out of breath mani.

" Did you fall" i asked with a chuckle.

" Maybe" she said pulling me inside and shutting the door.

She jumped on me and wrapped her legs and arms around me.

" Well okay" i said walking to where I heard the girls voices so I could greet them.

I walked into the kitchen and they were in conversation but stopped when they saw us.

" Well ain't that cute" Lauren said.

" Friends my ass" Dinah said.

" Watch your mouth" Ally scolded.

I chuckled.

" until this one says normani is my girlfriend to the world we're just friends" Normani said lifting her head off my shoulder.

" I will when I ask you out officially for now we vibing" i said.

" Well treat my girl right or I'm gonna have to give you a poly beat down" Dinah said.

" You got it" I said.

We continued or conversation until Normani kissed my neck which made me look at her.

" can we go upstairs now" she whispered.

I nodded and said my goodbyes to the girls and carried her up to her room. I opened the door and walked in. Closing it behind me and walked over to her bed. I laid her down and laid directly on top of her.

" I missed you" she said as she began playing with my hair.

" Well I missed you too" i mumbled.

" Can we take a nap because I'm tired" she asked.

" Yeah... do you want me to go to your meet&greet with you" I asked getting comfortable.

" yes please" she sighed.

" Anything for you" i said drifting to sleep.


Y'all.... I'm back I've been gone for mad long💀💀

Y'all miss me don't lie but I'll update whatever book y'all want me too as a apology🧍🏽

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