Chapter 14

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"And I'm never on a waste ting, shawty
I do it how you say you want it
Them girls, they just wanna take my money
They don't want me to give you nothing
They don't want you to have nothing
They don't wanna see me find your lovin'
They don't wanna see me
Smiling back when they pree" i rapped out into the mic. I heard the music stop and I put my headphones down and walked out the booth.

" shawty got you going soft making love songs and shit" my producer said.

" Whatever whatever just let me know when you got everything together and send it to me so I can hear it I got places to be and people to see" i said.

" Mhm go see ya girlfriend" he said.

" I'm not going to see her thank you very much... I'm gonna call her" i said grabbing my phone and walking out the door to my car. I got in it and FaceTimed normani.

After a few rings she picked up. She was in a dressing room.

" Heyy beautiful"

" hi baby" she said happily.

" I haven't seen you since the meet and greet stuff how are you" I asked.

" tired management has us doing a lot right now and I just want to sleep" she sighed.

" Well are we still on for our date tonight" I asked.

" Yes for sure but I might be a little late so I'll meet you there" she said.

" okay as long as we're still on" i said with a smile.

" yeah wouldn't miss it for the world" she said.

" well I'm gonna let you do ya thang girlllll" i said jokingly.

" okay byeee" she said blowing me a kiss and hanging up.

I chuckled and started my car and headed home. When I got there I went inside and collapsed on my bed.

" i'm gonna take a nap" i said closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep.

I woke up and it was dark out. i searched for my phone on the bed. when i found it i turned it on and blinded myself by the brightness.

" Ahh shit my eyes" i said closing them.

i eventually opened them and unlocked my phone to a bunch of miss calls and text.

" Sheesh i was out like the light"

i saw normani had texted me a bunch of times so i was going to respond to her first.

hey y/n i'm gonna be a little late because management has us in the studio still.


y/n y/m/n y/l/n

pick up youre phone

okay blow me off

whatever it's cool

" blow her off what is she talking about" i said hitting the facetime button.

the phone rang a bit but then she declined it.

" What the hell" i mumbled.

i called again and she did the same thing just a little quicker this time. i called her again and it rang for a while

" if you don't pick up this damn phone call" i said rolling my eyes.

it actually started to connect which surprised me for a second. her face popped up on the screen but she didn't look happy.

" Yeo what's good with you" i said rolling my eyes.

" are you serious" she said she with a attitude.

" Yes i am. i wake up from my sleep and try and call you and y-"

" y/n are you serious right now" she said cutting me off.

" Normani-"

" we were suppose to go out on a date today remember" she said rolling her eyes.

i furrowed my eyebrows and went in to thought and it hit me.

" oh shit i'm sorry i literally forgot once i went to sleep"

" Well finish that sleep y/n goodnight" she said then hung up.

i dropped my face into my covers and muffled a yell.

" great now i have to get up and fix this" i said getting off the bed and turning the light on.

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