chapter 20

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I opened my eyes to see my old room. I got out of bed and looked around. I opened the door and walked out of it. I cautiously looked around. I saw 2 figures sitting on the couch. I walked to them and they turned to look at me. It was my mother and grandma.

" Y/n baby your awake... Come sit we need to have a talk with you" she said.

I obeyed but I was starting to cry. I sat between them and broke down.

" Your dead.. I- I couldn't save y-you" I cried out.

" I died in my sleep y/n. We were both sleep. It's not your fault that we both died while you were sleep. I'm thankful you were with us through those moments and spent our last few hours with us" my mom said holding me.

" Y/n baby why did you try and take your life" my grandma asked.

" Try... you mean I'm not dead" i said kinda confused.

" Your in between life and death baby. Trey got to you before you could bleed out. Your in the hospital right now and they're trying to bring you back to life but we have you right now" she said.

" I need you guys to live. Y'all are my back bone grandma. The only people in the world to accept me for me" i told her.

" Yeah but you have other people for that now. Your fans, Trey,Normani" My mom said.

" I'm done with her ma.. she called me a freak basically and never gives a fuck about how I feel" I said.

" Y/n let me tell you something.. That girl is hurting right now. You might not think so but I know so. Yeah she messed up and you don't have to forgive her now but you will eventually. You don't like to have hatred in your heart like that" she said kissing my head.

I let out a sigh and they both hugged me.

" We love you y/n. Don't give up on yourself now just because you have your lows in life it's still worth living okay. You can change the world y/n and help people" Nana said kissing the top of my head.

My mom kissed my cheek and wiped away the tears that fell.

" I love you my baby keep making me proud" she said as I saw a bright light.

I opened my eyes and caught my breath.

" She's alive and awake" i heard someone say.

I was breathing heavy trying to slow my breathing down.  Once I was calm I looked around the room to see Trey, Tony, Mama drea, and my uncle looking at me.

The doctor started to check me out and ask me questions. I answered them all correct and they took me to do a bunch of scans. I couldn't move my legs much but my body so hurt.

They brought me back into the room and laid me on the bed. I sat there upset that I survived but also upset I tried to end my life without a fight. Everyone but mama drea talked to me. Management is giving me a lot of time off to work through this. Mama drea looked at me and brought a chair to sit down.

" Y/n-"

" I wasn't suppose to survive this" i said looking at the wall.

" I know that's why you did it with the car right?" She asked.

" yeah.." I said.

She sighed. " You scared the hell out of all of us you know that. When Trey called us we didn't know what to think. You've been out for a week now and I'm glad to see you alive and us not burying you too" she said.

" I'm sorry.. just losing everything I cared about in a week just did something to me. I didn't want to live" i said.

" Well a lot of people are glad you did Especially all of us. We do love you y/n" she said.

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