Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful blissful morning in the shire being sprung it was usually warm the air smelt of sunflowers and primroses. Daisi Armanath Harfoot was a distant cousin of Bilbo baggins.

Bilbo was sat in his garden puffing away upon his pipe when someone he felt he knew appeared in front of his garden gate looking at the tall man who wore large tall gray hat and long gray robes.

" Goodmorning"! Started Bilbo awkwardly.

" what do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a Goodmorning whether I want or not ... or perhaps you mean to you say you feel good on this particular morning or that is a morning to be good on"! Said the wizard standing behind his gate.

Bilbo coughed " hmm! All of them at once I suppose ... do I know you"? He questions.

" you know my name although you dont remember I belong to it I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means me"! Answers the wizard.

" Not Gandalf the wizard who made such excellent fireworks at old Took's midsummers eve parties Bilbo Bilbo awkwardly coughed again .... " I...I had no idea you were still in business"! Recalled bilbo.

" and where else should I be"? Asks the wizard.

" hmm! I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure"! The wizard Gandalf starts proposing to the unexpected hobbit sat puffing away on his pipe.

" Adventures? No I'm afraid you have the wrong person Mr Gandalf nasty disturbing uncomfortable things .... they make you late for dinner"! Repiled Bilbo coming downstairs from his garden bench to his mail box.

Sorting though it he gave the fimilar looking wizard a curt look and nod.

"  Goodmorning"! Bilbo calls again.

Gandalf said " To live too think I see Belladonna Tooks son bid me Goodmorning as if I were selling buttons at the door"!

" you have changed Bilbo baggins! ... and not entirely for the better Bilbo baggins"! The wizard spoke again.

" that's decided it'll be very good for you! And amusing for me I shall the others"! Declared the wizard.

" inform the who? What no we do not want any adventures here not here not I suggest tou try over the  hill or even across water .... Goodmorning"! Spoke the Hobbit as hurried into Hobbit hole to escape the wizard and his meddling.

Shutting the door behind him he scuttled to the round window when the wizard appeared in front of him.

Then, he disappeared and the Hobbit going sit in his armchair. He turned his whitened face to the warm hearth with its roaring fire blazing. He thought " hum adventures indeed"!

After a while he relieased that he needed some things for supper so he made his way out of his door to the market in the valley below, to get there he had to pass his cousins forge.

Daisy Amaranth Harfoot.

Daisy was the only young Hobbit woman in the shire that knew how to forge weapons that worthy of the name " fight"! Everyone in Hobbition thought she was beautiful including the married men of Hobbition.

Bilbo coughed as he just walked into a huge blanket of smoke that bellowed from the kilm where Daisy was warming the steel so she could fashion it into a sword. She had had got experience in making swords for all kinds of reasons. Bilbo did not understand why daisy had to go so far out of the shire for her supplies it was beyond his comprehension why on earth she'd risk her life for her job as a smithy.

Bilbo lent on the fence of the forge managing to avoid any smoke inhalation for the time being .... at least.

" Goodmorning Daisy little cousin"! Jeered bilbo smiling. Daisy placed the hammer upon the anvil and turned to face her cousin.

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