Chapter 12

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Daisy and Thorin had been standing looking at the stars for a long time.

" Daisy! My love perhaps I should escort you back to your bedchamber"! Thorin persuaded her.

" Yes I am getting tired and it's late"! Daisy took Thorins arm as they walked in comfortable silence together.

They neared the room the elf maids weren't there so Daisy would have struggle out of the dress alone it was unheard of to have a gentleman in the room while she was undressing.

" This is me! Daisy smiled sadly, Thorin took both her hands in his squeezing them tight " then perhaps you'd prefer me to stay with you my love I want very much to be near you"! He whispered.

" We are not even married Thorin that's an absurd suggestion"! Daisy rebuked him.

" Oh daisy my darling One why won't you allow me near you"? Questions Thorin.

" We must part for the companies sake if nothing else please my love just for this night"! Daisy begged.

" oh yes and who is going to help you out of the dress you're wearing if there are no maids to help you"! Thorin protested  back.

Daisy let go of Thorin's hands the grief hit like a bullet to the gut but she remained stotic.

" No thorin! The elves will talk if they find you in my room they may tell lord Elrond and hell banish you from the kingdom"! Daisy instructed stoically.

" Go back to the Company Thorin! My love please I shall be quite well"! Daisy tries to reason with him.

" You are stubborn Miss Harfoot and naive"! Thorin smirked.

" it is one of my many faults I'm sorry if it displeases you My King"! Daisy apologised.

A few hours later ....

Thorin went back to rejoin the Company Balin noticed the grim look on Thorin's face.

" What's the matter lad"? Asks Balin.

" oh it's nothing that a good laugh with the Company won't sort my friend"! Stated Thorin.

Balin chuckles knowing full well that something more than just having a laugh with the Company but he knew better than to pry with Thorin.

" Ah Thorin! Come and have a drink with us"! Shouted Kili.

Soon after all the company had finished off the food and had a stomach filled with laughter the Company bedded down for the night knowing that theyd be on the road again the next morning as soon as dawn broke.

Thorin stayed awake the whole night unable to get the most beautiful young woman the one he loves out of his head. " I cannot be swayed I must go to her my One"! Thought Thorin.

It was the middle of the night Thorin walked the gardens for a long time of what to do.

Hes head throbbing from the pain of the alcohol he'd drunk a few minutes ago.

Wondering about the gardens he decided to go to her room knowing that she would be asleep he wanted so much to be hers for the evening but she had stubbornly refused him saying " it was an absurd idea to think of a gentleman in the room when a lady is undressing"! Then again he thought " you will have to banish that thought from your pretty head when we're married"!. 

The garden was so quiet by now all the elves would be asleep as would Daisy.

Seeing the bedchamber His One was in made his heart sore with delight at seeing her sleeping form next to him in his bed when he is king whence he is named King.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now