Chapter 16

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( WARNING - MENTION OF RAPE please skip if you want to)

Thorin and the Company had started on ponies toward Mirkwood. Daisy was on the back of Thorin's with her arms tightly and intensingly around him.

The Wizard Gandalf rode off ahead of the dwarf prince.

Thorin had noticed how Daisy hadn't said a word since she had started off from the skin changers house.

" Daisy! Are you okay"? Thorin asked out of concern.

" Yes I'm fine why wouldn't I be"? Answered Daisy.

They were nearing Mirkwood Daisy knew this place to be the home of the elevan king Thundrail the one that Gandalf had once told her off.

The Hobbit woman tightened her grip about Thorins waist he knew it something was wrong with her and he had to find out what it was that was bothering her.

They neared the forest and Daisy felt a lump raise in her throat she tried to swallow but it is hard.

Thorin climbed down from his horse which surprised the young Hobbit woman a little.

" Just so you know I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whats wrong"! Thorin spoke firmly as he had his hands on her forearms.

" Thorin! I'm not comfortable with you going though here especially after what Thundrail did to you"!

" You're tell me that you're worried that I won't trust him"! Thorin cuts in.

" no but I'm afraid of him if he sees me he'll kill me"! Daisy whispered lowly shaking.

" I won't let that happen aramlime I promise"! Thorin returns assuring her that she'd be safe but despite Thorins assurance Daisy still felt uneasy.

The Company dismounted their horses and set them free back to the Skin changer bouren.

Thorin took hold of Daisy's hand and held it in his tightly as they found the path that Gandalf told them to follow. Daisy also remembered how there was a dangerous spell over the water that followed beneath the bridge that they had to cross.
" We've found the bridge"! Shouted Dwlain. .

However, the bridge had been cut into two so now there were no way of crossing the river safely.

" Oh for Durins sake"! Daisy huffed.

Fili saw his opportunity and that was when he was stopped by his uncle and Thorin said " Fili! We send the two lightest first"! Daisy nudged her head at Bilbo understanding what she meant Daisy went first she had never done this in her life. Daisy puffed her cheeks and rolls her eyes at Thorin he smiled at her as she took a leap onto the first vine. She nearly missed it but caught it just in time. Bilbo was behind her as she jumped from vine to find without falling into the enchanted stream below her. Thorin watches on worryingly he felt his heart lerch into his throat when she jumped into one vine after another. She was nearly there.

She grunted as jumped to last vine, bilbo was way behind her.

She fell flat on her face in the dirt she pushed herself up and brushed herself off she smiled " I'm safe"! She shouted she heard Thorin take a sigh of sounded relief.

By this time Bilbo had caught up he was on the last vine when the dwarves followed them.

" wait stop there"! Bilbo shouted

Daisy whispered toward him and whispered " Cousin they cannot hear you"!

The Hobbit passed her a knowing look Thorin effortlessly from vine to vine he just wanted to beside His One Thorin had admitted his feelings openly to her in Riverdell with lord Elrond.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now