Chapter 7

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The Company had made it so far unscathed and unharmed. Daisy was still riding with the dwarf prince he was enjoying it having someone riding with him it amused him to think that the young lass he was riding with.... was not one of his own ....but nonetheless a Hobbit from the Shire. It had been a tiring day riding they had not came across no Orcs or Wargs (not yet anyway) it was drawing dark and the Company stopped upon a cliffs edge.

The Company were no less fond of her than they were of her little cousin Bilbo baggins.

Daisy set her bed roll by the rock formation beside the dwarf prince.

As they sat there in complete silence there came a loud shriek in the distance she knew exactly what it was ..... An Orc.

Her hand instantly went for her sword, she felt a huge weight upon her slender shoulder ..... it was Thorin's.

" Its alright it came from the distance"! Thorin smiled as he said.

" I know them .... they're nor likely to give up hunting us"! Daisy said in low tones almost silently.

" What was that"? Bilbo asked.

" Orcs! They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep quick and quiet no screams .... Just lots of blood"!

The two dwarf princes shared a laugh.

Soon enough after that Thorin caught them snickering " you think a Orc raid is a joke"! He hissed.

They both bowed their heads in shame.

" No you didn't.... you know nothing of it"! He barked heading for the cliffs edge. He stood there with his hands behind his back.

Kili said regretfully " we didnt mean anything by it uncle"!

Daisy glanced over at the two princes who were now looking at their uncle mournfully.

Then she threw them a kind smile.

Balin started to tell the story of the pale Orc Daisy's skin ran cold when she heard the name of the pale Orc been spoken.

He began to explain....

" After the dragon took the lonely mountain King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria but our enemy had gotten there first ... we faught hard to try and get rid of them King Thror was fighting the pale Orc alone when he....

" when he what Balin"? Asked Daisy smiling sat in her bed roll.

" When he beheaded King Thror ..... Thrain went after him but he was captured or even killed we did not know driven mad worh grief"!

But at the end of that bloody battle there was no song nor feast for our dead were beyond the count of grief itself.

Daisy smiled " You still to this day do not know where Thrain  is"!

Her gaze Instinctively turned to the dwarf prince who stood facing the distance she felt her heart drop for him.

" No lass we don't"! Dwlain smiled.

" That poor lad ... but I'll tell you this you're as braver than I am but especially Thorin how has he borne it carrying such a awful amount of pain ... alone"! Daisy smiled sympathetically.

" And what happened the pale Orc"? Asks bilbo.

" He slunk back into hall whence he came... that orc filth died long ago"! Thorin returns.

" I knew then...we knew that we had one we could call king one that we'd be proud to call our King"! Balin concludes.

" I think that's something we can both agree on"! Daisy agreed.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now