Chapter 13

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The rain did not abate it was throwing it down Thorin and the Company had to find shelter.

Dismounting their horses they had searched and searched for some shelter.

Daisy was worn out she could not walk fatigued from the harsh rain and wintry like conditions.

" Daisy! My darling .... Come here"! Thorin whispers bending down to scoop her up into his arms and carry her into the sheltered cave.

The company filed in.

" Right then let's get a fire started"! Gloin said cheerfully.

While the members of the Company going to get firewood to light the fire Thorin carried Daisy into the warm and dry cave.

He sat her down with her back against a rock she lay her head back she couldnt catch her breath it was laboured as it had just been raining heavily on her. Thorin sat down next to her placing his strong arm around her shoulder.

" Come"! He pulled her toward him she lay her head on his shoulder as he tenderly squeezed it. Her slender form racked with shivers Oin turned to see the lass Bilbo watched as he entered the cave seeing Thorin next to her on the floor she was still wearing his coat.

Thorin gently kissed my cheek the Company didn't seem to notice (Thank God) " Let's get her out if this hum you'll catch her death .... Stand up"! That was difficult to stand the Hobbit lasses legs were wobbly when she did ...

She nearly stumbled back.

Thankfully Thorin caught her just in time the king looked at her still holding her arms tightly to keep her steady.

" Don't move ..... I'll come around you"! Thorin instructed.

Bilbo baggins the burglaring Hobbit was sat up high ontop of a rock with a light from the fire casting a romantic glow over the walls of the cave.

Thorin gallantly slipped the wet coat from her wet body. " You dry off ... Come sit"! Grabbing the dry blanket which acted as a towel he gently started to rub her soaked hair.

He gently started rubbing her head of long red hair, " Are you okay aramlime you seem quiet"? Asked Thorin a hint of concern in his deep baritone voice.

Daisy smiled " I'm well my love... be assured I'm quite well I still have fight left in me"! She smiled wearily he noticed she was really fatigued she had been since they set off from Baggend ..... Their Home.

" I know its difficult my love! But we'll find a way though it ... I promise you I can promise you this you and Bilbo will be rewarded for your loyalty to me"! Thorin smiled into her cheek..

The glow of the fire was romantic Thorin and Daisy moved to his bedroll they lay together.

Thorin lay an inch behind her he slipped his strong arm around her waist securing her to him.

He moved closer moving up onto his elbow, he bent to kiss her cheek. " Goodnight my darling"! Whispered Throin, his breath

Bilbo was not able to sleep he watched over the pair lying together and all he could think was " how fine they look together a prince and a Hobbit lass"!

Suddenly his sword turned blue and Thorin was aware that the ground was moving beneath him.

" Wake up ...... wake up"! Thorin bellows at my Company.

Suddenly they found themselves slipping down into this cavern screeching could be heard from the far end.

Daisy fell beside Thorin looked at her with concern " Daisy aràmlíme are you right? ..... you are not harmed"?

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Where stories live. Discover now