Chapter 5

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The next morning Daisy wakes to complete silence throughout the Hobbit hole she turns over hoping against hope to the sleeping firm of the dwarf prince a few yards away from her however ....she is left disappointed her heart suddenly drops sitting up she places a hand to her mouth. " where is he? Where has he gone"? She panicked. Racking a hand though her red hair she thinks again " I have to help then reclaim their homeland even if Bilbo is against me going I have to try... not for me for him ....for Thorin"! She thinks again.
Sitting up she notices that the embers in the hearth have died down it's still warm. Sighing she heaves herself up and into the lounge she takes the chair she was sat in the previous evening before the visit from the dwarves she began to think upon that Thorin had told her out on bilbos garden bench.

" do not let Azog destroy the memories you have of your father"! The voice of him was in her head still as she thought about the things he said to her when they were alone out on bilbos garden bench.

have to help them... I owe it to him to Throin for the Kindness he showed me ..... I have to go"! She mumured to herself. Unbeknownst to her Bilbo heard every word of what she had mumured to herself.

Unbeknown to her little cousin heard every word she had just uttered to herself.

" Daisy! You don't owe those dwarves anything I forbid you from going on this journey .... I know it's only because of the dwarf prince that your going"! Bilbo fumed in low tones.

" what? You think I'm going to abandon them like you did last night Bilbo you do not get to tell me what to do I'm an adult Hobbit lass now not a child"! Daisy barks at him.

" And whose going to protect you"? Questions bilbo as she rushes past him into the hallway.

"  no Bilbo you had your chance and you blew it I still have mine so god help me I will help those dwarves reclaim the lonely mountain"! Daisy bit back at him.

" that's what I asked you little cousin! What I asked you was whose going to protect you"? Questions bilbo again.

" Myself bilbo! I will protect myself"! Daisy answers running out of the door and down the lane to her Hobbit hole.

Bilbo gets outside his door seeing his little cousin to go on the journey all for the sake of one particular dwarf ...... Thorin Oakenshield.

Opening her front she rushes into her bedchamber to collect a few things that she needed for the journey.

Out of the blue she sees the dwarves outside the green dragon pub a pub she had never wanted to go into she was far to busy to be drinking and making merry.

Again, as she rushes to pack her things she hears the front door expecting it to be Bilbo she gets ready to fire back at him for trying to stop her.

She looks up to see someone she least expected to be within her Hobbit hole .......

The dwarf prince ..... Thorin Oakenshield.

" Miss Harfoot! What in Durins name are you doing"? He asks her with that look of concern in his ocean blue eyes.

" I'm coming with you"! She reveals to him.

" No no your not! You are not coming"! He says abruptly.

" And why not? You need help need a burglar and if Bilbo isnt willing to then I must I'm doing this for ..... she purses. 

" For your father"! Thorin returns as hes beginning to walk closer to her.

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