Chapter 14

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Thorin and Daisy were clinched together with Thorins arm about Daisy's waist he looked at her pale drawn face.

" Thorin! I'm going to have to stop I cannot walk anymore"! Daisy complained.

Thorin stuck the Orcrist in the sheath and scopping Daisy into his arms she lay her weary head on the fur of Thorins Jacket.

" Oin! Come and see ro her for me will you"? Ordered Thorin.

The dwarf came rushing towards the young Hobbit woman and Thorin lead her to a waiting rock he sat her down gently. Oin bent in front of her.

" Now let's have a look at her head .... Can you turn your head to the side"? Asks the medical dwarf.

Daisy turns her head slowly Thorin perched himself next to her taking her hand he gently squeezes it.

" it's okay Daisy! Look at me"!

Oin looked on gravely at Thorin.

" its bleeding heavily I cannot stop it I'm going to have to disinfect it with some brandy okay"?

Thorin nodded gravely looking at the young Hobbit woman he said " daisy! Oins going to have to disinfect the wound now okay"!

Daisy nodded shyly and gripped Thorin's hand as Oin gently patted the wound with the alcohol.

" I'm afraid it'll sting a little lass"!

After the treatment Daisy sat there little while longer Thorin was impatient to move on standing he held out his huge hands.

" Come"!

Turning to his side Thorin offered his arm to her the young Hobbit lass she was looking quite peaky still so he held onto her as he walked alongside her checking on her every twenty minutes.

He lifted her easily onto the back of his pony and he climbed on in front the wizard had somewhat disappeared again Thorin was grateful for this meant that he was able to make his own decisions.

Thorin knew that the wizard told him not travel any further.

Daisy looked about frantically for her little cousin Bilbo.

" Thorin! Where's Bilbo"? Daisy asked concerned

Thorin looked about the Company.

" He's still in there ... I have to go back in to get him out"! Daisy went to rush past Thorin quickly grabs her arm.

" I cannot risk you aràmlíme you already have been hurt once"! Thorin reasoned.

The young Hobbit woman bowed head knowing that she had been defeated she knew secretly he was right.

" b...but what if he can't get out and his trapped in there"? Daisy hesitantly repiled.

Just then she heard a well known voice behind her it was him.

" oh thank Mahal"! Daisy sighed in relief. Rushing over to hug him Bilbo stumbled back Thorin knew the bond between them was unbreakable just it was for him and his nephews.

" I'm here Daisy you honestly thought I'd leave you with these dwarves now did you?

Thorin casts him a doubtful glance.

" you knew I'd be back for you right? I can't stand it when you go missing Bilbo baggins you reckless hopeless hobbit"! She playfully scorned him.

" why did you decide to come back"? Asked Fili.

" Look I know you doubt me , I know you always have and I cannot blame you I cannot blame at all for you submission but I came back because I have a home my home is Baggend I miss my armchair, my books and my fire hearth but i came back because you lost you're home it was taken from you .... and I'll help you take it back with Daisy's help if I can"! Bilbo smiled.

Thorin looked on nodding his head in willing submission Daisy turned to go back beside Thorin.

" I'm glad he came back when he did"! He smiled.

Just then they heard the loud growl and snarling of Wargs and Orcs shrieking Daisy wasn't scared of the pale Orc she knew her mission was to kill him and put an end to his torment.

" Out of the fryer and into the frying pan .... run"! Thorin quickly grabs Daisy's hand and started to run with her.

" He's going die today I'll kill him myself to safe these dwarves and Thorin I'll kill him"! Thought Daisy.

The young Hobbit lass knew what she was letting herself in for when she ran with Thorin the young Hobbit lass struggled up the tree with the wargs snapping at her at the bottom Kili pulled her up putting his arm about her waist.

" Are you alright Auntie Daisy"? Asks Kili.

To tell the truth Daisy was still weary from the wound from the goblin king but Thorin was just near by he saw him .... Azog the defiller.

" no it cannot be .... hes long gone I slain him in battle"! Thorin whispered himself.

Thorin kept a well trained eye on the Orc as did Daisy. She unknowingly grabs the hilt of her sword ready to swing down from the tree and fight him instead of Thorin. She knew Thorin had a great destiny to fulfill so she made her eyesight in direct contact with his.
" you're going to pay for what you did to my father you murdering swine I swore to him I'd kill you and I will kill you! She thought vengeful of what her fathers death was like.

Daisy was 18 years old when she saw her father Theobold killed for no apparent reason. She knew how desolate the lands can be but they had no idea orcs were following them until it was too late for him.

Daisy wasn't scared of facing them down she stood her ground and killed every one of them but she knew that she'd never forget the face of the Orc who ordered them to kill her father an innocent man travelling with his daughter.
Now he was again staring at the dwarf King, Daisy watched on in horror as she saw the two of them snearing at each other.
" please please Thorin do not go down he'll kill you short and straight"! Daisy thought.
Daisy still clutched onto her sword still watching the two staring at each other.
" don't be silly Thorin"! She kept thinking.

She swung down from the tree Thorin was already striding down the branch of the fallen tree after him as Azog snears at him.

" Do you smell it? Fear .... you're father reeked of it"! Azog tormented Thorin branching his sword high above his head he ran with all of enthusiasm toward the Pale Orc.

Azog's Warg leapy foward at Thorin and knocked him to the ground.

Then the Warg bit down hard on Thorin's stomach.

That was it.

Daisy ran toward the Warg that had bit down on Thorin's stomach she slashed at the Warg. She heard him yell from the pain all she could do was watch and hold her breath.

She fell on her knees next to Thorin she gently moved the jacket it was a mere flesh wound. She could see he was in pain, thorin smiled to see her kneeling beside him.

" ghisveishel". He mumured

" You're injuried Thorin stay still"! He groaned and grimaces as he stands up.

" You! What were thinking ..... you could have been killed"! Thorin replys

" but I did not my love I'm alive and you're here thank Mahal..... the eagles are coming"! Daisy smiled sympathetically as she held his hand.

" I should thank you for saving my life yet again Miss Harfoot"! Thorin squeezes her hand.

Saving The King's life - The Hobbit (Throin Oakenshield love story) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum